In From IMM5532, QUestion 1:
Before this relationship, was your sponsor related to you in any way? e.g.
· Your sponsor was related to a member of your family.
· Your sponsor's family member was related to you or a member of your family.
What shall we fill? As I and my wife never knew each other. However, her aunt and my sister-in-law were friends who gave my family reference to my wife's family and got us married.
As of Now, I have filled it to No. Because in Guide IMM5589 definitiation of Family member is :
An applicant’s closest relatives, in the context of an application. It is defined as a spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and their dependent children.
See section 1(3) of the
IRPR for the legal definition.
ALso, from IPRR page.
Definition of family member
(3) For the purposes of the Act, other than section 12 and paragraph 38(2)(d), and for the purposes of these Regulations, other than paragraph 7.1(3)(a) and sections 159.1 and 159.5, family member in respect of a person means
- (a) the spouse or common-law partner of the person;
- (b) a dependent child of the person or of the person’s spouse or common-law partner; and
- (c) a dependent child of a dependent child referred to in paragraph (b).
Please suggest.