For the longest time, she would not even let my son have more than an hour or two with me. Then she decided our arrangement wasn't working out (which I agree -- you can't withhold him form me), so she went after the money in court. She then found out that, you cannot reasonably withhold him. AND, when she tried to make me out to be a drunk to the court, the judge laughed at her lawyer! At the end of that experience, she cried for a bit, then an hour later I got a stream of hate messages via text. After 12h of ridiculous messages regarding co-parenting, she asked if I would consider a trip to Disney with our son... WTF?!
Weeks later, they conceded to my original offer, and begged that I not seek costs (as Legal Aid Ontario pulled it's support for the matter).
Now, she is still.... quirky ... but manageable.