jrseee said:
So you are already after him, I'll give him some rest then

Perhaps it is politically advantageous for him to process inland applications faster, in that they are more likely to be a citizen faster and vote for him. Just my 2 cents.
For everyone's benefit:
It's totally worth emailing him direct, if you feel your representation (Local MP, MP in charge of, or other government body) is not giving you results. This is what we all pay taxes for, right? That said, I know that, sometimes it's time for a PM to hear from the 'horse's-mouth' (so to speak). I gave Stephen Harper a chance to hear me -- he deferred to another minister, and is no longer PM. Sometimes, they ignore the people, but the ultimate end comes when they do.
No matter what, they are *all* paid salary by your taxes. So if you are a constituent, you have 110% pull. You can have an immediate and real impact on their job and re-election. That said, they are 110% obligated to provide proof they did what you requested. The PM is also required to do so. Before his death-march, Harper tried to make friends with me. Unfortunately, that individual and I will not see eye-to-eye, and he won't work another day in office as long as any of my family or descendants live on this planet.
If you are not a constituent quite yet (PR is, but in process isn't), the MP is still a good place for the constituent to engage. When they do, the MP can speak to the applicant direct. Let's face it, bringing family's together serves everyone's interest. So the MP will communicate with either party once the initial communication is made. They will also do what they can to make sure that the family unit is re-united. I have found out that, they will even act as the "Immigration Lawyer" if you permit them to.
There can be pretty serious (like impeachment) consequences for Canadian officials not performing the will of the Canadian people. I have faith in this system. It's not perfect, but I think it's served Canada extremely well over the years. We are considered a model, even when Russia tries to explain away how to re-unite Crimea. Think about that. Even as an excuse or butt of a joke. So, have a little faith, and if need be, let me know and we can try to make shite happen
