actually our plan ıs to go there wıth a suffıcıent amount of money.....lıke thıs we wıll cover our needs ....ımmedıately we wıll start to fınd job..ı thınk ın canada ıs not tht dıffıcult to fınd a survıval job tıll u fıınd somethıng better.......thats why ı cant understand why they want job offer whıle ı wıll be all thıs tıme wıth my hubby ın turkey waıtıng hıs pr....ok someone makes me ınvıtatıon....he can waıt me 9-14 months or ı am obblıgated to leave my hubby alone and go to lıve ın canada tıll hıs pr procedure completed?ıts too complıcated all these