Okay, I have an update: today I got an email asking for my parents' passports and their PR photos. The email starts off with "Please use this letter if you are currently residing in Bangladesh" but right now both of my parents are with me in Canada. The email has a section saying that residents of Bangladesh should submit the passports, etc to a Canadian Visa Application Centre in Bangladesh. But there is also a section for Canadian residents saying "If you have a mailing address in Canada and all your accompanying dependents on your application are currently in Canada and plan to be in Canada for at least three (3) months, you may submit your passport(s) and photos to the Case Processing Centre in Ottawa (“CPC-O”)."
I am a bit confused as to where to send the passports, etc because the beginning of the letter seems to imply that it's only applicable if my parents are in Bangladesh right now, which they aren't... Any advice? Has anybody been in this situation?