Has anyone filled up IMM5669 (Schedule A: Background / Declaration) form recently for LVO?
What do you write in the last column of 8. Personal History if you have an activity like Travelling or Housewife/Retired? The last column is for Name of company, employer, school, facility, as appropriate
Activity Name of company, employer, school, facility, as appropriate
Housewife Home Address or Not Applicable or something else?
Travelling Hotel Address or Not Applicable or something else?
PS: I previously wrote "Not Applicable" for such instances during the original application submission. My mom's LVO-Singapore asked for an updated IMM5669 with history since age 18 (not for last 10 years). It's close to impossible to write down all the hotel addresses she stayed over last 30 years on multiple trips outside her home country.
I will appreciate any suggestion. Thanks.