shamsia said:
Hi dair! Many congratulations to you and your husband

Im very happy for you and hope and wish you guys have a good life in Canada.
As far as OHIP is concerned, they need proof of residence and wont accept the PR or the SIN mailed to your house address as valid proof. However, a bank statement mailed to your address is considered as valid. So before you apply for OHIP, you might want to open a bank account first.
Thank you Shamsia, Fatimzahra...everyone...
I was away on holidays so have not been on here for a while. Hope everyone is well and I am excited for you Fatimzahra ;D ...just a couple days now

vjamal...don't worry. At least he is still getting the visa. He is on his way and that is the thing to be happy for
Everything has been great for us(with exception of his smoking) but honestly we just fell into a routine and it's like we always lived together. We went and got his SIN and a bank account, a key for the house and today he is having his English level testing. The organisation that we went to is very interested in his skill set and are keen to get him started as they would love to have him volunteer with the youth program they have there. They are also interested in me doing some volunteering because of my work skills and experience as well LOL ...
You know what I really love about him... I cook.. he does the dishes!! (his idea too!! lol

) Yesterday I got home from work and it was raining. He came out to the parking lot with an umbrella to walk me to the house since I did not have one. He was painting our bedroom yesterday, I picked a very difficult colour, and he was so frustrated that it was not completely perfect when I got home.. poor guy.. I honestly think it looks wonderful and just needs a couple more coats. Really he is so kind to me ... I am very blessed.
I truly wish all the best for everyone here as it really is so challenging .. all the changes .. to both sides. He is always listening for people speaking arabic just to hear the My advice (for what it's worth) just be flexible...think of it as an adventure, be curious and understanding....and let him take the lead in some things. My husband is off on his first adventure with public transit today to go to his testing. I was nervous at first to let him go alone....but I realised that he needs this... to feel in control of something at a time when he is very vulnerable. So at 5:25 tonight I will find out if I need to send out a search party...hahaha
Have a great day all... 8)
Oh I forgot to mention.... he has taken on his role of student to my daughters "lessons" wonderfully. He is so good with her. I am so feels like my life is complete for once.