Hey/salam ladies and Eid mubarak.
My husband and I just came back from morocco last month. I can't believe how busy it is in the summer there!!

way too busy! Alhamdu lillah, was still nice though. It's crazy to think my husband landed almost 2 years ago?! He's adjusted well and he actually really appreciates how things are much more organized here like the driving lol. He appreciates the beauty of all the nature we're blessed with here also. Habibti pointed out some good points. They shouldn't have unrealistic expectations of the so called "American Dream" before landing or else they will have a very difficult time. Life in canada ain't easy. We all work hard. As habibti said, long hours and hard work is what it takes to make a life even in a developed country like ours. I hope and pray things work out with your husband habibti. You've been such a devoted and dedicated wife which isn't easy to find!
Soblue: I just wanted to say something about what you had mentioned earlier:
Myself being raised a muslim(an independent muslim) by a very independent muslim Mom, felt the need to point out how wrong that is. I didn't look for a man who can support me and give me a house. I looked for a man with strong faith in God. This is what's most valuable to me being a Muslim woman and I know I speak for several other muslim women.
Yes, culturally, many women won't marry unless the man can support them but culture and religion are 2 completely separate things.
Hope all goes well with your hubby's arrival!!!!