I am sponsoring my husband, we live outside of Canada and are not required to file Canadian income taxes so I do not have the Option C Printout of Notice of Assessment.
Under sponsor checklist, it asks for proof of employment as original letter from your current employer. In that section, it states the requirement to meet the minimum necessary income requirement and if I as sponsor am not producing an original Option C Printout then I need to include pays stubs for the last 12 months.
1. So am I correct that I need to include both original letter from current employer AND last 12 months pay stubs?
2. Also what is the min. income requirement? I haven't seen a figure in any of the documents of what that min. income requirement is for a sponsor.
Under sponsor checklist, it asks for proof of employment as original letter from your current employer. In that section, it states the requirement to meet the minimum necessary income requirement and if I as sponsor am not producing an original Option C Printout then I need to include pays stubs for the last 12 months.
1. So am I correct that I need to include both original letter from current employer AND last 12 months pay stubs?
2. Also what is the min. income requirement? I haven't seen a figure in any of the documents of what that min. income requirement is for a sponsor.