Hello everyone.
I've read through this topic and right now I feel completely mixed up.

I am waiting for the next year when the program opens and completing forms in advance.
I would appreciate if someone who successfully applied or just know exactly the answer helped me with my indecision regarding application completion.
IMM0008 Generic application form for Canada
1. If form's fields are grey, is it considered as that I put N/A in it?
2. If apply for SINP, what do I need to put in IMM0008
"Program under which you are applying": Economic
"Category under which you are applying" field: Provincial Nominee or Skilled Worker?
3. IMM0008. Personal details. 9 Citezenship(s):
I have the only one, but I can't put N/A nor NA in the second field. In this case it will be blank. Is it normal to leave it blank?
4. IMM0008. Contact information. 5 Fax no:
If I don't have one, I can't put N/A nor NA in this field, otherwise it is not marked with grey color and will be blank in this case. Is leaving blank is also acceptable?
5. IMM0008. Consent and declaration of applicant
In the field "I,(first name, last name)______ on behalf....
Can't put my name, so if I sign it electronically later, I think it is not necessary, right? Or do I need to print it out in the end?
6. IMM0008 Schedule 4 Economic Classes - Provincial Nominee
What should I put in "Which provincial government has nominated you" and
"Provincial stream category" fields? Do I need to put just N/A as I have not been nominated yet?
IMM5406E Addition family information
7. IMM5406E. Put N/A in every box or just the first one of every table if there is no records?
8. IMM5406E. Place of birth. Do I need to put "City, Country" or just "City"?
9. Parents divorced and both got married, but my mother deceased few years ago and my step-father is not considered as a step father no longer. Do I need to mention him and his daughter as a step-sister?
If I need to show my step-mother from the father's side, looks like I need to attach another paper mentioning her. What can be the title? Additional family information Section A continuation? Does it fit?
IMM5562E Supplementary Information
10. Does it matter in what sequence I will put my travels in. The last travel is the first line or the first line is the first travel?
If I check a check-box "did not travel", do I need to put N/A in the first boxes of every line or just in the first box of an entire table or don't need to put anything below?
Do I need to complete just
Ethical Conduct Disclosure and Declaration Form from
Provincial Forms and Guides section?
I just noticed that there are differences between
Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category and
Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category checklists. They are completely the same in required forms for both of them with the difference that in Occupations In-Demand Sub-Category they accept scan copies only, but in Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category they are not specific about what form should be applied as a scanned copy.
What form should I upload right after completing it on my PC and what I should print out, sign and upload as scanned copy?
Sorry for a long list of questions.