Why do you choose to migrate alone in the first place?

8) Canadian Government encourages family ties thus given Permanent Residence Visa not only to the Principal Applicants but also to all their dependants.
When did you move in-process and what is your current status in the OASIS?
Just sustain the tempo and also encourage your wife in giving a stronger reasons why she isn't joining you now.
For example: since she is currently working in your home country, she might have signed a tenor(3-5years) BOND with her current employer as a condition precedent before accepting the offer letter.
Moreso,Your co-parents might be aged,old,fable and grey: is expected that her healthy arms should be their stay(curlfrom "My Mother")
She should give a strong "No objection Letter"that will present her as a Very Good Asset to Saskatchewan and a strength to her skills.
However, let us know why you decided to plan going alone ;D : :-[ :-\o or abi na ego palava.