Anyone has requirement to get pcc from US? I am asking on it because i need one. It says the turnaround time is 12-14 weeks... So thinking how i can cut short the waiting time
to get the pcc magically in 3 weeks
so that i can also queue it up with cio along with our others' applications.
On September 7, 2014, CJIS installed a new IT system. As a result of this installation, we are experiencing delays in processing. Please be assured that each issue is being identified and resolved as quickly as possible, but at this time anticipated processing time for an Identity History Summary is approximately 12-14 weeks. Allow additional time for mail delivery.
I sent my FBI PCC request on Dec 1, 2014. My CC was charged on March 2, 2015. So expecting it any day now. Can anyone plz tell me how long does it take to get US PCC after the CC has been charged? I am currently living in the US.
If i do not include it now with the application to cio then i will not get this much enough time to get pcc while comparing to the time they give when cio asks for it, correct? Do anyone know how much time CIO/VisaOffice gives us to produce any necessary document?