1) I would actually like you to point them out.
2) Bigot....not Biggot. Bigot is someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats or views other people with fear, distrust, hatred, contempt, or intolerance on the basis of a person's opinion, ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics. I have no such feelings for refugees. All I say is "Treat everyone equal". They are here, they are safe. Why and how is it presumed that they have any more affinity to Canada than anyone who has immigrated as a student or temp worker and hence, should be exempt from citizenship rules that apply to everyone else?
3) You ARE nasty. PERIOD.
4) You gave me the video links in response to my "3 families" comment. Torontosm gave you stats about refugees also. I did not discriminate against them. All I am saying is dont discriminate against us. For every refugee story you can tell, I am sure there are many students/temp workers out there that have also sacrificed a lot - dont undermine their sacrifices,their sweat and their tears.
5a) For whatever reason he/she needs a passport is NOT important. If he/she has claimed refugee status and cannot travel with his/her original passport to a country because he/she fears persecution. Well, wait for 4 years (like everybody else) and then travel. Why does he/she need "special treatment"?
5b)stick up for minorities (how r u defining minorities - race, country of origin, number of applications) - sticking up for one doesnt mean that you discriminate against others. How do you know that I dont belong to a particular race that is in minority? If its based on number of application then in 2012, there were 23000+ refugees and 9000+ CEC (applicants and dependants). Well then, by that stats I am a minority
The exclusions should be for me. And, thats what sashali is petitioning against.
5c) Temp residents dont have the same rights as PR - I almost agree with that statement. Because temp residents do have most of the rights as everyone else (with some caveats,of course) - provincial healthcare, purchasing rights, children of temp residents have access to public schooling, right to apply for a job etc. The only differences that I know between PR and a temporary resident is SIN card beginning with a 9 and no need to renew their visa/permit.
The reason given behind all this change is that they only want to give citizenship to those who have shown evidence of integration into Canadian society. If your reasoning is that an international student and/or temp worker status doesnt constitute evidence, then how does a refugee status constitute evidence? Because the difference between refugee and Temp resident is that a refugee doesnt pay taxes, lives off government income, lives in government provided housing, doesnt particularly contribute to society BUT still wants special treatment where citizenship process is concerned?
2) Bigot....not Biggot. Bigot is someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats or views other people with fear, distrust, hatred, contempt, or intolerance on the basis of a person's opinion, ethnicity, race, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics. I have no such feelings for refugees. All I say is "Treat everyone equal". They are here, they are safe. Why and how is it presumed that they have any more affinity to Canada than anyone who has immigrated as a student or temp worker and hence, should be exempt from citizenship rules that apply to everyone else?
3) You ARE nasty. PERIOD.
4) You gave me the video links in response to my "3 families" comment. Torontosm gave you stats about refugees also. I did not discriminate against them. All I am saying is dont discriminate against us. For every refugee story you can tell, I am sure there are many students/temp workers out there that have also sacrificed a lot - dont undermine their sacrifices,their sweat and their tears.
5a) For whatever reason he/she needs a passport is NOT important. If he/she has claimed refugee status and cannot travel with his/her original passport to a country because he/she fears persecution. Well, wait for 4 years (like everybody else) and then travel. Why does he/she need "special treatment"?
5b)stick up for minorities (how r u defining minorities - race, country of origin, number of applications) - sticking up for one doesnt mean that you discriminate against others. How do you know that I dont belong to a particular race that is in minority? If its based on number of application then in 2012, there were 23000+ refugees and 9000+ CEC (applicants and dependants). Well then, by that stats I am a minority
5c) Temp residents dont have the same rights as PR - I almost agree with that statement. Because temp residents do have most of the rights as everyone else (with some caveats,of course) - provincial healthcare, purchasing rights, children of temp residents have access to public schooling, right to apply for a job etc. The only differences that I know between PR and a temporary resident is SIN card beginning with a 9 and no need to renew their visa/permit.
The reason given behind all this change is that they only want to give citizenship to those who have shown evidence of integration into Canadian society. If your reasoning is that an international student and/or temp worker status doesnt constitute evidence, then how does a refugee status constitute evidence? Because the difference between refugee and Temp resident is that a refugee doesnt pay taxes, lives off government income, lives in government provided housing, doesnt particularly contribute to society BUT still wants special treatment where citizenship process is concerned?