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Sign petition: New citizenship rules affecting foreign workers


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hopefulagain said:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....pond scum???? well, that is a DEFINITE sign of "mature" behaviour. you really are a piece of art that should be displayed in a museum.

1) genuine problems by refugees??? Hmmmmm. if they REALLY have so many issues with the country they came from, then why are they so eager to go back to visit their family. So, you mean to say that the people who are persecuting them will NOT persecute them anymore because now they have a Canadian passport. Surely, even you dont believe that. If a country or group of people in a country were baying for my blood and I managed to get out, there is no chance in hell that i would want to go back to "visit" my family.

The only reason I can think that now they would have no issues visiting is because they know that if something happens, they can demand the Canadian government to rescue them and I (and other taxpayers) will be paying for their rescue.

Now, this person here wants to travel to a different country but a country that does not accept refugee documents. So what? It was his/her choice to claim refuge in Canada (just like it was our choice to emigrate to Canada on work/study visa). Why did he/she not go to the country where the family resides? Because, if he/she is okay to visit that country now, then, it means that country is okay to visit/live in. If not, then see my above point.

So, I dont have the right to ask for Canadian citizenship on time (according to your warped logic) but you see no harm in giving them special favours.

2) I knew 3 families that were refugees and do you know what their modus operandi was? They were not interested in doing any jobs because they were loving the fact that the government is supporting them. Well, guess where the government gets their money from........my taxes. In fact, one of the ladies had even commented on how stupid I was to not have claimed refugee status. So I agree with Maria that I hope they dont get any special favours.

You have the right to hold an opinion and definitely have the right to express it but its also clearly evident that you are one of those people that do not like others having a contradicting viewpoint. GROW UP.
Well said. Just to add to that, as evidence of the magnitude of fraud that was being committed by these "refugees", as soon as the special healthcare privileges were stripped away, refugee claims fell by half. Refugee claims from countries like Hungary fell by 97%! Claims from the designated "safe" or developed countries fell by 87%. That should make it clear that the majority of people coming to Canada to seek refugee status were not being persecuted but saw Canadians as a soft and easy target.

Personally, I think we shouldn't accept any claims from nationals of the EU or any other developed country. If you are being persecuted in Romania, for example, move to another neighboring EU country where you won't be persecuted. Why do you need to fly halfway around the world to come to Canada?


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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happyfacepanda said:
I am not able to sign, it says error occurred, and ask me to try later
Change.Org had server issues last night. Now all resolved, you can sign at : http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/house-of-commons-in-parliament-of-canada-do-not-allow-unfair-treatment-of-former-foreign-workers-and-international-students-by-new-canadian-citizenship-bill-c-24


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@ Hopefulagain & torontosm
Very well said. Couldn't agree with you more. If there is a group of immigrants that should be given priority towards Citizenship...it should be Students/Workers who have been in Canada for years before they became PR, paying International Student Fees and Taxes!!! +1 8)


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Yes, please give priority to [insert group that I belong to].


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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LPS said:
Yes, please give priority to [insert group that I belong to].
If you read carefully the petition and the message to MPs on the bottom of it, you will find all the reasons why the pre-Pr Bill amendment should be changed.


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sashali78 said:
If you read carefully the petition and the message to MPs on the bottom of it, you will find all the reasons why the pre-Pr Bill amendment should be changed.
I'm not arguing with the petition. For what it's worth, as a foreign worker I empathize with the concerns you have given, although I personally don't intend to pursue citizenship.

But refugees are no less (and no more) entitled to express their reservations with this new bill than we foreign workers are. Telling someone who expresses sincere concerns about their future that they don't deserve special treatment is at best, unhelpful, and the remark got the derision it deserved.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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For people who want to be citizens of a country that celebrates diversity and focuses on helping those who really need help, I'm pretty shocked by these posts. I have no idea of your backgrounds but I cannot comprehend why you think it's acceptable to stereotype this group of immigrants. It's so fundamentally wrong and is without a doubt discrimination, in the true sense of the word.

You are all so focused on what you want and what you feel should be your right, that you think you are in a position to make such comments. It's outright obscene and actually goes against everything Canada stands for.

I'm just glad that you make up a relatively small portion of those becoming PR's.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hopefulagain said:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....pond scum???? well, that is a DEFINITE sign of "mature" behaviour. you really are a piece of art that should be displayed in a museum.

1) genuine problems by refugees??? Hmmmmm. if they REALLY have so many issues with the country they came from, then why are they so eager to go back to visit their family. So, you mean to say that the people who are persecuting them will NOT persecute them anymore because now they have a Canadian passport. Surely, even you dont believe that. If a country or group of people in a country were baying for my blood and I managed to get out, there is no chance in hell that i would want to go back to "visit" my family.

The only reason I can think that now they would have no issues visiting is because they know that if something happens, they can demand the Canadian government to rescue them and I (and other taxpayers) will be paying for their rescue.

Now, this person here wants to travel to a different country but a country that does not accept refugee documents. So what? It was his/her choice to claim refuge in Canada (just like it was our choice to emigrate to Canada on work/study visa). Why did he/she not go to the country where the family resides? Because, if he/she is okay to visit that country now, then, it means that country is okay to visit/live in. If not, then see my above point.

So, I dont have the right to ask for Canadian citizenship on time (according to your warped logic) but you see no harm in giving them special favours.

2) I knew 3 families that were refugees and do you know what their modus operandi was? They were not interested in doing any jobs because they were loving the fact that the government is supporting them. Well, guess where the government gets their money from........my taxes. In fact, one of the ladies had even commented on how stupid I was to not have claimed refugee status. So I agree with Maria that I hope they dont get any special favours.

You have the right to hold an opinion and definitely have the right to express it but its also clearly evident that you are one of those people that do not like others having a contradicting viewpoint. GROW UP.
And you are simply an uneducated biggot who thinks it's okay to stereotype. Discrimination at it's best.

I knew three families? Are aware that over 34000 refugees were accepted into Canada in 2011 alone? Do you really think the three families you mention represent the majority? You complete fool.

Here are some videos (posted by CIC!) that actually tell some of the stories of refugees who have emigrated to Canada: -


If you want some real detail, do a google search. You will get a better understanding of some of the more horrific, and more common, reasons why many seek refuge.


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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torontosm said:
Well said. Just to add to that, as evidence of the magnitude of fraud that was being committed by these "refugees", as soon as the special healthcare privileges were stripped away, refugee claims fell by half. Refugee claims from countries like Hungary fell by 97%! Claims from the designated "safe" or developed countries fell by 87%. That should make it clear that the majority of people coming to Canada to seek refugee status were not being persecuted but saw Canadians as a soft and easy target.

Personally, I think we shouldn't accept any claims from nationals of the EU or any other developed country. If you are being persecuted in Romania, for example, move to another neighboring EU country where you won't be persecuted. Why do you need to fly halfway around the world to come to Canada?
I'm confused. Are you supporting the generalization of all refugees? Or are you just talking about those people who you personally don't think should be allowed to claim such protections? It's easy to judge when you aren't in the position of others, of their countries for that matter. Unless you know the true conditions, I think we would all be wise to educate ourselves a little more before passing such comments.

Mexico is on the safe list. Do you think Mexico and it's bordering countries are completely safe? Do you think it's right that those who are in true need aren't able to seek refuge?

Those who live in glass houses my friends.


Champion Member
Feb 23, 2012
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I don't know how the discussion under this thread went into the refugees topic, I will try to bring it back to the core discussion.
Huffington Post has published today the following:


Hero Member
Apr 20, 2012
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jsm0085 said:
And you are simply an uneducated biggot who thinks it's okay to stereotype. Discrimination at it's best.

I knew three families? Are aware that over 34000 refugees were accepted into Canada in 2011 alone? Do you really think the three families you mention represent the majority? You complete fool.

Here are some videos (posted by CIC!) that actually tell some of the stories of refugees who have emigrated to Canada: -


If you want some real detail, do a google search. You will get a better understanding of some of the more horrific, and more common, reasons why many seek refuge.
Well, then Mr. Intelligent they should not be desperate to go back to their/another country at all if it is persecuting them based on their passport. because it will continue to do so irrespective of whether they hold a Canadian passport or not. I was under the impression that you have a problem with english (when you confuse empathize with emphasize and, you dare to call me uneducated) but I guess you have problems with comprehending simple explanations.

And, I am not the bigot because I say that if the rule applies to one it should apply to all. You are the one who is talking about different rules for different people. Why?

You are the one that got all nasty with everyone who is disagreeing with your point of view - thats bigotry (look it up). First you tried to ridicule sashali78's efforts, then you called maria "pond scum" and now you think i am uneducated/complete fool - because we dont agree with your point of view. and you are calling us bigoted.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I was giving you an example of 3 people that I had met which you think does not represent majority but then, you give me 4 youtube links. Well, I guess that is majority for you? So 3 stories that I am aware of is not majority but your 4 links emphasize (pls note that this is where we use this word not where you had used in your post) your point of view, huh? Unless you can give me 17001 links (according to stats u presented) you are not speaking for majority too. So when you called me a complete fool, please, take some time to reflect.

And nobody has problems with genuine applicant for any prog and nobody here is stereotyping. But a genuine refugee claimaint will also not be desperate to go back to their country (i know i am getting repetitive here). And, all everyone is saying is that Equal Rules for All. Canada is for equality and that is what everyone here is asking for. treat us all equals when you make the rules. Dont make rules that will benefit 1 group significantly more than another group - refugees/people who directly came in with PR's over international students/ people on work permits. We are not discriminating , you are. It is within our right to disagree with a government proposal and make a petition for it.


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It seems some people(or maybe just one) are not on their meds...posting a bunch of disrespectful comments and resolve to name calling. JEEZ!!!! Stop it!!!!

Btw from the article(link a couple posts above) a few things stand out...International Studens...Workers...Contribute to Canadian Society/Economy...Talent...8 Billion...

I'm gonna patiently wait to be thrashed talk to...cheers!! 8)


Champion Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hopefulagain said:
Well, then Mr. Intelligent they should not be desperate to go back to their/another country at all if it is persecuting them based on their passport. because it will continue to do so irrespective of whether they hold a Canadian passport or not. I was under the impression that you have a problem with english (when you confuse empathize with emphasize and, you dare to call me uneducated) but I guess you have problems with comprehending simple explanations.

I'm actually dyslexic and using a samsung smart phone with crappy predictive text. It doesn't mean I'm not educated. You have made a ton of errors in your post. Would you like me to point them out?

And, I am not the bigot because I say that if the rule applies to one it should apply to all. You are the one who is talking about different rules for different people. Why?

That isn't why I called you a biggot.

"genuine problems by refugees??? Hmmmmm. if they REALLY have so many issues with the country they came from, then why are they so eager to go back to visit their family."

" So, you mean to say that the people who are persecuting them will NOT persecute them anymore because now they have a Canadian passport. Surely, even you dont believe that. If a country or group of people in a country were baying for my blood and I managed to get out, there is no chance in hell that i would want to go back to "visit" my family. "

"I knew 3 families that were refugees and do you know what their modus operandi was? They were not interested in doing any jobs because they were loving the fact that the government is supporting them. Well, guess where the government gets their money from........my taxes. In fact, one of the ladies had even commented on how stupid I was to not have claimed refugee status. So I agree with Maria that I hope they dont get any special favours."

This is why I called you a biggot.

You are the one that got all nasty with everyone who is disagreeing with your point of view - thats bigotry (look it up). First you tried to ridicule sashali78's efforts, then you called maria "pond scum" and now you think i am uneducated/complete fool - because we dont agree with your point of view. and you are calling us bigoted.....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I didn't get "all nasty". I did make my viewpoint clear in relation to the comments being made. Maria said: "and i hope u refugees DO NOT get an exception!!". If you think that type of generalization is cool, what can I really say?

I was giving you an example of 3 people that I had met which you think does not represent majority but then, you give me 4 youtube links. Well, I guess that is majority for you? So 3 stories that I am aware of is not majority but your 4 links emphasize (pls note that this is where we use this word not where you had used in your post) your point of view, huh? Unless you can give me 17001 links (according to stats u presented) you are not speaking for majority too. So when you called me a complete fool, please, take some time to reflect.

Upon reflection you should feel like a complete fool after this comment. My postings weren't to trump your three stories. It was to make you think instead of stereotyping a group. CIC statistics speak for themselves in relation to refugees and they are readily available for those who look.

And nobody has problems with genuine applicant for any prog and nobody here is stereotyping. But a genuine refugee claimaint will also not be desperate to go back to their country (i know i am getting repetitive here). And, all everyone is saying is that Equal Rules for All. Canada is for equality and that is what everyone here is asking for. treat us all equals when you make the rules. Dont make rules that will benefit 1 group significantly more than another group - refugees/people who directly came in with PR's over international students/ people on work permits. We are not discriminating , you are. It is within our right to disagree with a government proposal and make a petition for it.

You are combining issues.

1) The OP stated they needed a passport to travel, not necessarily back to their home country. You obviously don't understand their position, as you don't have to worry about this issue personally.
2) I didn't say that refugees should get special treatment, I did point out how unacceptable the comments were. Someone has to stick up for the minorities?
3) Temp residents don't have the same rights as PR's. Just because you don't like the fact doesn't mean you should throw toys out of your pram. I'm in the same position as you all, the only difference seems to be that I'm grateful to have been granted PR and will happily wait 4 years for a passport.



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