jsm0085 said:
Dude? Really? How old are you?
Anyone who can't emphasize with genuine problems faced by refugees is pond scum. That my friend is you.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....pond scum???? well, that is a DEFINITE sign of "mature" behaviour. you really are a piece of art that should be displayed in a museum.
1) genuine problems by refugees??? Hmmmmm. if they REALLY have so many issues with the country they came from, then why are they so eager to go back to visit their family. So, you mean to say that the people who are persecuting them will NOT persecute them anymore because now they have a Canadian passport. Surely, even you dont believe that. If a country or group of people in a country were baying for my blood and I managed to get out, there is no chance in hell that i would want to go back to "visit" my family.
The only reason I can think that now they would have no issues visiting is because they know that if something happens, they can demand the Canadian government to rescue them and I (and other taxpayers) will be paying for their rescue.
Now, this person here wants to travel to a different country but a country that does not accept refugee documents. So what? It was his/her choice to claim refuge in Canada (just like it was our choice to emigrate to Canada on work/study visa). Why did he/she not go to the country where the family resides? Because, if he/she is okay to visit that country now, then, it means that country is okay to visit/live in. If not, then see my above point.
So, I dont have the right to ask for Canadian citizenship on time (according to your warped logic) but you see no harm in giving them special favours.
2) I knew 3 families that were refugees and do you know what their modus operandi was? They were not interested in doing any jobs because they were loving the fact that the government is supporting them. Well, guess where the government gets their money from........my taxes. In fact, one of the ladies had even commented on how stupid I was to not have claimed refugee status. So I agree with Maria that I hope they dont get any special favours.
You have the right to hold an opinion and definitely have the right to express it but its also clearly evident that you are one of those people that do not like others having a contradicting viewpoint. GROW UP.