Although many immigrants might had this thought after spending time in Canada is it worth it especially for Indians after investing Ton of energy and money . I would like to say honestly that it’s not worth it .
IRCC is a joke they would even give a person with Down syndrome a visa to spend money in Canada , They do so to fuel

the rising costs of aging population and pensions for seniors. So our savings are literally spent on domestic students and Aging population .
Most colleges are private but publicly funded which is biggest honey trap . Let me share my experience I went to a job affair at my college and I was shocked to see warehouse companies interviewing graduates .Quality of Canadian Education is to bad in private colleges but they have good practical labs . University Students Spend 1,00,000$ a year on tution fees .
Jobs :
Canada has only few big cities like Toronto , Montreal , Vancouver where most immigrants live and work and this cities definitely have strong competition for good paying jobs and you need to do more certificates and internships to compete .Govt jobs are usually for white ppl since you lack References and contacts probably.
Cost of living:
If you’re not a fan of cooking , you would easily spent 15 $ every night before going bed . Groceries are damn expensive unless you buy at Costco . Room Rents atleast cost you a weeks pay if you live in downtown.
Transit :
Public transit is very expensive 3.25$ a ride with a minimum wage of $ 14 .
health care:
Hospitals here are a shit show , once I went to a hospital in Scarbrough carrying a friend with kidney issues and had to wait there for 6 hours to see a nurse ⚕ and get appointment. Ppl usually wait months to get appointments .
Although health care is not available for everyone it’s for Pr and citizenship holders and doesn’t cover dental and eye care.
Policing :
They cost tax payers millions of dollars every year to arrive late to the scene and they possible do nothing if the accused is white again and depends who you are and what skin tone you have if you don’t believe me make a 911 call and experience their treatment.
Provinical and Federal governments :
Politics here in Canada are fun to watch no one

knows what’s going on complete circus in regards to lock down ). Poltical party’s doesn’t have any impact on people’s life in fact they don’t even talk about politics publicly there is a provincial and federal tax on everything you pay at a tax rate of 13% in Ontario.
Public and private sector:
Canada is literally a capitalist country you don’t see much public sector. Bell , Rogers , Telus run mobile , tv , internet with damn postpaid rates . Banks are completely private and Charge you differently based on the plan where there is a limit on transactions like you can’t even make transfers directly from your bank account you need a third party called interac. Don’t even think of saving money cause you can’t even buy a coffee

with those returns.Every few small business that run in Canada with no street food .
Racism :
The cool part about Canadians is they are not in you’re face if you live in a big city like Toronto where a majority are immigrants but if you’re in a White majority suburbs, They definitely treat you different if you’re at a bar or a club I’m not complaining but explaining to brown ppl like me they don’t let renting spaces to brown or ppl of colour lot of restrictions on what you cook and how late you cook .
Real Estate :
Banks won’t approve you for a mortgage of 2000$ a month but you will end up paying the same in rent . That’s how this system runs .
Cultural Shocks :
They stand on right side of escalator, hold doors for person behind you and every white dude wears a Maple leaf or blue jays cap .Even though it’s a British colony they drive cars on left , Currency is lit made of pvc.
Slangs :
Loonie : A dollar coin
Toonie : A 2 dollar coin
Dime , Nickel, Quarter 5 cents , 10 and 25.
Buddy : A young man
Ey is another slang while talking to someone.
To Sum it up , Canada is not a place for you to start from scratch and go through all the depression and loneliness of leaving in a foreign country with no job satisfaction unless you’re lucky to find a job that gives you genuine pleasure and sense of satisfaction. My true advice for anyone would be to visit Canada and live with students or workers for 4-5 months and then to decide to take this huge step in your life .