A gentleman under "September 2013 Applications' with Name "Vishal007" on Page 448 is commenting as below
Guys...I have a news..not a good one though...the quota for this year is already over and now they CIC will drag the process to next year. I am also sailing in the same boat and seems the boat will take 4+ months to reach the bank :-(
What does it mean ? Is there something Quota apart from Caps already? Is it some sort of hoax or is there any truth in above statement ?
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Guys...I have a news..not a good one though...the quota for this year is already over and now they CIC will drag the process to next year. I am also sailing in the same boat and seems the boat will take 4+ months to reach the bank :-(
What does it mean ? Is there something Quota apart from Caps already? Is it some sort of hoax or is there any truth in above statement ?
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