High crime rate is usually concentrated on areas with population that are mainly Native Americans, no offense to them but that's what I've been reading on the internet and seeing in the news. They have gangs and such i think.
There are a lot of jobs here and they say SK is the next Alberta in terms of economic growth. I've been living here in Regina (city with the 2nd highest crime rate I think) for a month now but it's been nice so far. My husband has been here since 2008 and he has not experienced the high crime rate that the stats are talking about.
It's cold here though, I left the Philippines with a nice 24C temperature and arrived here in SK on February 4 with a -18C temperature, quite a shock but am now getting used to it. Today we got 3C temperature for the first time since we arrived, ice/snow is starting to melt and it's a mess. Tomorrow it's back to -13 again.
Anyway, I think the crime rate that they publish