Gabriel22 said:
Thanks Braziliangirl!
Your advice seems ok, but I'm left with one doubt: If we apply for the tourist visa before marriage, my girlfriend will have to have a round trip flight itinerary even though we know she won't be using the return. Would this be seen as dishonest? Could it affect the outcome of future visa decisions?
I went on the CIC website and looked at the required documents. One of them is Proof of Relationship. On the description for proof of relationship, they have "Marriage Certificate". With this in mind, would you still suggest getting the tourist visa before marriage? Wouldn't the most honest and transparent way to apply be to apply after marriage, and explain the real purpose of the visit.
Hi Gabriel!
I've heard on this forum and other places that, if you get married here and start your the process here, or ask for a Tourist's visa after getting married, they might deny her Tourist's visa, because they don't want her to go with you and, in the case of her Permanent Residence being denied (please, don't get me wrong!! this is how they think!), she wouldn't come back.
From I understood, she has family in Canada. Is that right? If so, ask them to send a invitation letter to her. Yes, get the round trip flight ticket, knowing she won't use it. Once she has the Visa, get married here or in Canada (or both!

) and start the Process for Permanent Residence. I don't think it will affect the outcome of future visa decisions.
Once married, you'll have the "Marriage Certificate" as one of the Proves of Relationship.
I'm not an expert about it, so I'd suggest you create a new thread here about it.
I hope I could be of any help.