Also about ATIP... There is no evidence to believe that ordering ATIP slows down your case.
I have ordered my ATIP in February as well, that's why I know what's in it. I also know that my clearances were due to expire in mid-June. When I didn't receive a test invitation until early July I requested another ATIP (which I haven't received until now because the allowed month for processing hasn't passed yet). A few days later I received a test invitation. Showed up, passed it, a CIC employee who interviewed me asked a few questions about my employment and travel and concluded that everything looked good on their end, and once the case is approved I will be invited to take an oath... hopefully within 3 months. She was actually very nice.
Another thing is I think she said that my case had to be approved by a citizenship judge or citizenship officer. Not 100% sure about the CO (was a bit nervous at the moment and also didn't think it could be important), but I have a feeling that's what I heard. If true then that's a good news, because our RQ'ed cases will go under the new administrative procedure where a CJ doesn't necessarily have to see them - should be faster than before.