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Romanian Timeline - In Process


Star Member
Aug 24, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Job Offer........
deeafahd said:
I don t know if it was good or bad thing...we considered it was a good one :) ..we did not send enough proof at beginning so our application was quite weak, because we had some good quality proof after we got married ( many pictures with my family , we visit another country where is a part of his family and many pictures with they and air plan tickets, in these 12 months after we got married he lived with me around 7 months and the other months we skype many many hours (we also slept with the camera on every night) , we visited some places in Romania , and also he applied for a card since he could not stay in Romania more than 3 months within 6 month, so he got a card for family reunification for one year, we both had an interview at Romania immigration office and they visited us at home to proof we live together in order to give that card to him)...so I thought all of these should make our case stronger even if it probably slow it down a bit...what do you think?
I don't think you should worry so much. It sounds like you have strong case, but sometimes Visa Offices get a lot of paper work to do especially with the increasing demand for immigrants. Also if express entry applicants get a job in Canada during the processing time, their application gets moved to priority. This might also change the estimated timelines.


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Romania85 said:
I don't know, personally, I would have waited to gather more proof and then I would have applied. They might see the new proof as uncertainty in your application and they might also believe that it's a marriage of convenience. However, Romania is part of the EU and you could live in any country so I am not sure if they will see your relationship as not being genuine. Btw, how old are you?
I believe a fake marriage would not have a continuing relationship after marriage, after they applied :)
The VO could also see the positive thing that we spent so much time together after marriage, and did so many other things which I do not believe a fake couple would do ....yes probably they would also see the uncertainty as you said but I think is quite normal to feel that way since we did not have enough proof at that time and since we have a red flag (our age gap)...we just wanted to make our case stronger and to show we have a continue relationship...
I am 21 yrs old ...we do not care about that at all and our families support us plus he looks younger than he is....although in Romania I think is not common to marry with such a huge age gap , my husband is not pure Canadian he is lebaness and there is quite normal ...we have a good argument my husband s parents has a 25 yrs age gap (she was the old one) , and they lived happy with 3 kids :) :) :)


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Alexand said:
I don't think you should worry so much. It sounds like you have strong case, but sometimes Visa Offices get a lot of paper work to do especially with the increasing demand for immigrants. Also if express entry applicants get a job in Canada during the processing time, their application gets moved to priority. This might also change the estimated timelines.
thank you very much for your positive thought :) we hope we will hear from them soon good or bad news , at least to know what is the next step , to appeal....we are ready to fight for our love :)


Star Member
Aug 24, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Job Offer........
deeafahd said:
thank you very much for your positive thought :) we hope we will hear from them soon good or bad news , at least to know what is the next step , to appeal....we are ready to fight for our love :)
Nu cred ca vor lua in considerare varsta dumneavoastra. Etica Canadiana e sa iti faci treaba dupa carte si sa lasi prejudecatiile acasa. Important e ca actele sa fie complete si semnate, si sa nu aveti dosar penal pe nicaieri. Iar partenerul, bineinteles sa aiba un venit decent pentru a va putea intretine pe amandoi. Din cate povestiti se pare ca le ati oferit destula informatie pentru ai convinge de autenticitatea relatii dumneavoastra.

Mult succes!


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Alexand said:
Nu cred ca vor lua in considerare varsta dumneavoastra. Etica Canadiana e sa iti faci treaba dupa carte si sa lasi prejudecatiile acasa. Important e ca actele sa fie complete si semnate, si sa nu aveti dosar penal pe nicaieri. Iar partenerul, bineinteles sa aiba un venit decent pentru a va putea intretine pe amandoi. Din cate povestiti se pare ca le ati oferit destula informatie pentru ai convinge de autenticitatea relatii dumneavoastra.

Mult succes!
Din fericire nici unul dintre noi nu are dosar penal :) cat despre venit, sotul meu are o firma deci nu este problema :)
Asa credem si noi ca avem destule dovezi dar suntem putin ingrijorati pentru ca am vazut cupluri care au aplicat in urma noastra si sunt deja in Canada....deasemenea sunt ingrijorata putin de un eventual interviu , asta doar pentru ca nu sunt confidenta cand vorbesc in engleza cu straini :))


Star Member
Aug 24, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Job Offer........
deeafahd said:
Din fericire nici unul dintre noi nu are dosar penal :) cat despre venit, sotul meu are o firma deci nu este problema :)
Asa credem si noi ca avem destule dovezi dar suntem putin ingrijorati pentru ca am vazut cupluri care au aplicat in urma noastra si sunt deja in Canada....deasemenea sunt ingrijorata putin de un eventual interviu , asta doar pentru ca nu sunt confidenta cand vorbesc in engleza cu straini :))
Nu aveti de ce sa va faceti griji. Scrieti in Engleza foarte correct si tin sa va spun sa jumate din immigranti nu vorbesc nici Engleza, nici Franceza bine si sunt multi care nu vorbesc limba deloc. Oricum cand ajungeti in Canada veti avea access la clase de Engleza si Franceza gratuite. ( sunt o gramada de programe platite de guvern care in Romania ar costa enorm) Si eu lucrez pentru un program platit de guvern care ofera consultatie si informatii pentru emigranti care mai au putin si vin in Canada. NextStopCanada.ca


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Alexand said:
Nu aveti de ce sa va faceti griji. Scrieti in Engleza foarte correct si tin sa va spun sa jumate din immigranti nu vorbesc nici Engleza, nici Franceza bine si sunt multi care nu vorbesc limba deloc. Oricum cand ajungeti in Canada veti avea access la clase de Engleza si Franceza gratuite. ( sunt o gramada de programe platite de guvern care in Romania ar costa enorm) Si eu lucrez pentru un program platit de guvern care ofera consultatie si informatii pentru emigranti care mai au putin si vin in Canada. NextStopCanada.ca
Multumesc tare mult pentru informatie, apreciez gestul si optimismul pe care mi-l transmiteti!


Star Member
Aug 24, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Job Offer........
deeafahd said:
Multumesc tare mult pentru informatie, apreciez gestul si optimismul pe care mi-l transmiteti!
Cu multa placere! Sper sa aveti mult success. Ma puteti gasii in profilurile de staff al websitul pe care vi lam dat daca aveti nevoie vreodata. Sunt Alex, singura romanca de acolo. Numai bine!


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Alexand said:
Cu multa placere! Sper sa aveti mult success. Ma puteti gasii in profilurile de staff al websitul pe care vi lam dat daca aveti nevoie vreodata. Sunt Alex, singura romanca de acolo. Numai bine!
Multumesc pentru sprijinul moral oferit, poti sa imi spui te rog daca trebuie sa imi fac cont pe acest site si apropo nu imi dau seama cum te pot gasi pe tine pe acest site ?


Star Member
Sep 8, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Alexand said:
Poti face cont pe site-ul asta din momentul in care ai primit primele documente de evaluare a emigrari in Canada, care ne spune numarul tau de UIV ( Unique Identification Value)
Este același lucru cu UCI? Dacă da, atunci acest nr nu trebuie împărtășit cu nimeni. Este personal si privat.


Star Member
Aug 24, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Job Offer........
aliaix said:
Este același lucru cu UCI? Dacă da, atunci acest nr nu trebuie împărtășit cu nimeni. Este personal si privat.
Da este acelas lucru ca UCI; Iar ca agentie apartinuta de guvern, avem nevoie de acest numar. Fara el nu va putem gasi in baza noastra de date si nu putem oferi servici. Agentia noastra NextStopCanada.ca, eNIC si YPALS este listata pe a tria pagina a listei de Pre-arrival services pe Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website( in caz de dubiu) Toate agentiile care apartin de guvern vor cere acest numar. Dar in alte situati, incurajez ca acest numar ca si SIN-ul sa fie tinut privat.


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
Hello guys, I have a news from VO, today I received an e-mail asking to redo my medical exam (the last one it expired last month)...on October 4th my application will achieve 13 months (this is the maxim waiting time for my VO)...do you think is a good sign or not??...Do you think they can still refuse me after this stage ???????


Star Member
Sep 17, 2015
is so quiet here....there is nobody receiving any news from VO?
As I said above they needed a new medical so I did it ....they also asked me for a new police certificate I did that as well now I am waiting for further requests from them...from what I read the next step should be passport request. I wish you everybody good luck!!