Hi there,via08 said:Hi Mary,
Thanks for the reply!
Since Feb 2009 we're sharing on paying our apartment.. We started from renting a basement from Feb-Dec 2009 without any rental/lease agreement and paying her cash.. Then now we moved to another place, to a real apartment and I asked my landlord if he can provide us a rental agreement and he said he's willing to give it to me, but still I'm paying cash to my friend.. I called CIC call center, the lady said just give them a letter stating that I'm paying cash to my friend.. Maybe I'll just include a letter on my documents stating my situation.. and you're right maybe its a good idea to ask my friend if she can provide me a letter too..
And I'm still wondering if I still need to provide a Health records on Questionnaire 24 coz I didn't join any organizations, volunteer groups etc.. since my arrival... I thought this health records is applicable only for questionnaire 24... But anyway, I sent a request already in Ministry of Health to send me a copy just in case...
And about this Bank/Credit card statement, should I have to send them for the whole four years statement?.. too many, but I photo copied them all
Anyone can suggest pls... thanks a lot... it really much appreciated.. and good luck to all!
Am also in a similar situation paying the landlord in cash without any rental agreement.
Can anyone share a template of letter we have to get from the home owners? What to do if one of my previous home owners refuse to give?
BTW, how I have to respond for Q # 24, if am not fully involved in organizations, volunteer group etc. Cause, v have to submit a letter from these groups.
Can anyone help me on this? Your response will be appreciated.