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Required Imp Posts 2


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May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
One year Promise

It have taken a bit effort for me, but finally findit... please check the below link:

News on December 19, 2012


In which it is mentioned:

"As recently announced, due to the actions taken over the past months, new applications under the FSWP will be processed in a few months, rather than a few years. In order to ensure fast processing times and to avoid backlogs, the new FSWP will accept a fixed number of applications each year."

Another on April 18, 2013


In which it is mentioned:

“As a result of the actions taken by the Government to deal with the massive backlogs and unacceptably long wait times, FSW applications will be processed in approximately one year,” said Minister Kenney.

Another on May 3, 2013


In which it is mentioned:

As a result of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration and Economic Action Plan 2012, the backlog for the FSWP has been nearly eliminated, and new applications are being processed in approximately one year.


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15

E-Enabled Medical:

[size=14pt]Attention Guys:


For your easy reference, to find an e-enabled clinic, I can suggest you an easier method....Since dumb CIC does not mention about the e-enabled facility of individual Medical centers on their website or on the MR email.

You can find it from the Australian immigration website. Almost 99% medical centers are same for AUS and CA designated medical examinations.....:D . They have clearly mention this facility on their site....(on the right side of the clinic name)

Here is the link:


****E-enabled Medical center-->which uploads the medical results electronically via internet on individual applicant's profile. Doctors have special access in the CIC web interface for such clinic/medical centers. For normal Medical (without e-enabled medical center) u will need to take photos and this medical centers delivers results manually which causes a delay.



VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15

After landing Worst Situation:

Hey guys,

I want to share with you an article that I read about people who failed in making a good life in Canada .. I would love to hear your opinion ..

Here is the article:

Don't make the mistake of migrating to Canada, it's a fool's paradise

By Usha Das

TORONTO: As I read the news this week about 257,515 people migrating to Canada in 2012, I had a chill running down my spine as I considered the fate of these immigrants who would have to start their job hunt the very next day of their arrival. Their imported money would soon run out and if they have to survive in this country, they will have to get a job quickly.

Personally speaking, my family had a great life in Dubai. We managed to get a good education for our kids. My husband and I had satisfying jobs and a good bank balance thanks to our tax-free salaries.

Then suddenly, this Canada bug bit us as we did not want to return to India after working for about two decades in Dubai.

So we decided to apply for immigration to Canada. After a few years of waiting, we got our PR Cards. When we told our friends that we are going to settle in Canada, many of them warned us. They narrated horrific tales of new immigrants in Canada.

They warned us that highly skilled and experienced people, who have worked in managerial positions in Dubai or India, are working as cab drivers or factory workers in Canada. We were also told that even if you did get a job, you will have to work much below your professional rank, which will deeply hurt your ego and self esteem.

In fact, some friends suggested that we would be better off going back to India to the warmth of our family. But we suspected that they are fooling us and we paid no heed to their advice.

So in April 2009, we left Dubai and landed in Toronto to start a new life, against the wishes of these family friends. We were in a hurry to get back into our former profession. But it took me more than a couple of years to get a teaching license. Then I spent more money on upgrading my qualifications and membership fees. Then I had to do a lot of volunteer work as I waited and waited for a school job. But nothing happened.

So here is my story: even after spending four years in Canada and upgrading my skills and using up all our savings, I am still without a job. Actually, this IS the story of thousands of fellow immigrants.

School boards are on perpetual strike. Teachers are being laid off. It is a very frightening situation for teachers. But the school boards keep training more and more teachers and making money!

Most of these teachers are jobless or they are doing jobs that pay them peanuts and kill their self-esteem.

My husband, who had three decades of work experience in construction in Dubai, was reduced to doing odd jobs which are not even worth mentioning.

Chasing this so-called Canadian dream, we have ended up using all our savings. We have already spent a couple of hundred thousand dollars to live a descent life, so that we will not lose the will to survive in this struggling country with no job prospects.

Having spent almost all our life savings, we don't know what to do next – whether to stay here or go back. Our life is in a limbo.

My advice to people who are itching to migrate to Canada to give a better future to their children is this: Think hard before you take any decision and don't fool yourself by painting a rosy picture in your head. You may end up working in factories, call centers, security agencies, Tim Horton's or packing factories. You will lose your savings. Your will lose your morale and self-esteem. Tensions will destroy your marital and family life. Finally, if you are lucky enough, you may get an entry-level job and then pay someone else's mortgage while living in their basement as you dream of buying your own little nest.

And buying your little nest in a hurry (with your saved money) could be your worst mistake, for God forbid if you are laid off, as it happened to my dear friend, who will pay the mortgage? Your house dream will collapse and you will be buried under it.

And if you do get a job – which most probably you won't enjoy doing, but you will do it anyways to survive and pay the mortgage – you will end up wasting the prime of your life paying back the mortgage. It is not worth it, believe me.

Our struggle for survival continues to this day. We don't know when we will wind up this fruitless venture and head back to India. This is the story of many immigrants to Canada.


- See more at: http://newseastwest.com/dont-make-the-mistake-of-migrating-to-canada-its-a-fools-paradise/#sthash.Q4L3Lzjf.dpuf


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May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
POF/ Proof of Fund requirement:

shreya99 said:
Hi All,

I just got reply from CIC New Delhi for Proof of Funds Requirement,

Kindly have a look.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi.

The amount of funds you need to have in order to settle in Canada depends on the size of your family. The funds must be available to you and transferable to Canada. They must be unencumbered by debts or other obligations.

Number of family members
Funds required







7 or more

Acceptable proof of funds are:

-bank accounts in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner;

-cashable investments in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner;

-cashable fixed deposits in your name of the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner.

Not acceptable are:

-bank accounts in someone else's name;

-bank accounts which are joint in your name and someone else (other than your accompanying spouse/common-law partner);

-bank accounts in the name of your spouse who is not accompanying you to Canada ;

-property valuations;

-vehicle valuations;

-jewellery valuations.

You are not required to carry your funds in cash when you arrive in Canada. You are, however, required to show documentary evidence that you have the funds available (in bank accounts or cashable investments), and that they can be transferred to Canada.

A port of entry officer in Canada may seek to confirm these funds before granting you permanent residence along with your dependants.

If you have arranged employment in Canada, you do not have to meet these financial requirements. Arranged employment means that you have an offer of indeterminate employment from an employer in Canada. You must be either currently working in that employment on a work permit in Canada, or have been issued a labour market opinion has must have been provided by the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). In order to be exempt from the minimum funds requirement, the offer of employment must be genuine, the employment must not part-time or seasonal, the wages offered must be consistent with the prevailing wage rate for the occupation, and the working conditions must meet generally accepted Canadian standards.

We trust that this information will be of assistance.


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Recent Interview Experience from a FSW14 NDVO applicant:

I am going to share an expeicnce of a FSW14 NDVO applicant whom was requested for an interview....He has some issues thats why he asked me to keep his name confidential (but not the experience) ....:)


Hello Forum Mates,
Hope this post of mine will be helpful for at least few of those who are tensed for Interview at NDVO.
I got my interview scheduled for 20th October 2014 morning. I was so nervous that I wasn't even sure if I should go for the interview.

But I have to be there so, I was there on time 30mins before the scheduled time. The security check takes around 15 – 20 mins since it depends on the number of applicants who are scheduled for the same time.
I gave my letter at the reception and the lady there asked me to wait for your name to be called.

After 15 Minutes an announcement was made for me to come to a room number (X). I went there and there, the Visa Officer on the other side of the mirror glass was ready with my application on the desk.
She asked me to close the door and make myself comfortable. She then asked me in which language I would like to take the interview. (For me it was English)

She then told me about the purpose of the interview (For me she said “This is to know you better”)
She then started with my qualification. I started from my schooling, where she stopped me and asked me to start from Graduation. I told her about my graduation and then masters. Then she asked me show my original certificates of graduation and master's degree.

After that she started with the experience and employment details. She started asking me the questions based on NOC duties. She wanted to get the information as to what do I actually do in my organization.
She started with my 1st Organization and then 2nd. Everything was to understand if I am actually what I have mentioned on the letters.

With the conversations in place she was asking all my originals as to my employment letters and experience certificates and promotions letters one by one as we moved ahead in our discussion.
In the end she was making me convinced (Kind of Strange) as to if I am not a Financial Analyst Rather I am an Investment Analyst (Which I agreed too).

She then asked me if I have something to ask or say.

Here I told her about the change in my form and she asked me to provide the updated forms. I gave her the forms. She then asked me provide the PCC if I already have one. (I Did so I handed over the same)
There after she said we will email you further details.

Interview Ended. (Lasted for around 1 hour)

On 21st October I received my MR Request.

Also, one thing that I would like to share... There are many people getting interview call letters, so don't think so much on the same. Just be ready with all the originals and everything that you think they can ask. Anything missing can lead to negative and might impact.
Interview is a normal process so don't be tensed
All Best to Everyone here for the PR Process. God Bless Us All


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
RPRF (Landing fee):

(1) Instruction letter on RPRF from Visa office
(2) Medical Letter
(3) Medical completion pay slip/money receipt copy
(4) Original passport and photo copy
(5) Nikahnama copy
(6) Submitted Generic application copy
(7) Print of Landing fee mentioning on the CIC website.

Also u may check the below post:

immigrant_mamun said:
Dear Ashif/Mi3/Mi2 Applicants,

Can this be confirmed further if we could pay the RPRF fee through credit card?

Because in my forwarding letter and also in the following link(which they mentioned in the forwarding letter), authority didn't mention anything regarding payment through credit card.


If we could pay through credit card then it will make our life easier.

Today i went with Masud bhai in StanChart for making bank draft of RPRF. Stanchart gave us the following checklists for making draft:

1.Application of the candidate
2.Passport main and photocopy
4.Fee Schedule
5.Letter from Authority
7.Copy of Medical Report
8.Money Receipt of medical check-up
9.TM Form

It seems that for making the draft i have to make another piles of documents and it takes time.

So before going there please make sure that you the documents in your hand otherwise they won't work.

Thanks and regards,


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Proof of relationship without Birth Certificate:

simarwalia88 said:
hi Broder

I shared following documents of my aunt :
1. Proof of Status
1a) Canadian Passport photo page
1b) Canadian citizenship card (copy)

2. Proof of relationship (Paternal Aunt)
2a) Statutory Declaration (sponsorship document)
2b) Passport copy of father and Paternal Aunt showing common father's name

3. Proof of residency
3a) Recent Notice of Assessment (NOA)
3b) Monthly utility bills
3c) Bank statement
I havent submitted my Aunt's Birth Certificate but passport of my DAd and aunt to show relation.
Pl. let me know shud i ask my aunt to get sponsorship document made again??


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May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Cover Letter for RPRF/Child Addition:

It could be like below but you can customize:

Canadian High Commission
New Delhi
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021

Sub: Submission of MR and RPRF

Referring to the email communication made to me on DD-MM-YYYY regarding submitting my MR and RPRF, please be informed that I have done my medical on DD-MM-YYYY at Medical Center. I have also paid my RPRF amounting to XXXXX against me and my wife. I have attach the documents for your perusal.

I am looking forward to your cooperation for adding the documents and update those in my application.

Yours sincerely,

Cisco Router

1. Medical Examination receipts
2. Demand Draft/Online Payment Receipt


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Child Addition:

1. Updated Additional Family Information IMM5406” FOR U AND SPOUSE.
2. 150 CAD bank draft
3. With a cover letter mentioning your new born child addition.
4. Child Birth Certificate
5. Passport.
6. updated Bank cert (+statement )
8. Generic Application form


Finally courier to the local VO address....

One George Street #11-01,


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Medical With Diabetes :

SoniaShoeb said:

Just wanted to share my experience with medicals...as I believe future people might this info and suggestions useful.

We did our medicals at prescription point. Unfortunately my husband has type II diabetes and ofcourse it was a matter of great worry for us. So the first day when we went, all tests were done and my husband mentioned to to the doc about the diabetes med (metformin) that he is currently taking. So the doc ordered an extra test which is a creatine serum test that checks the kidney functionality (and we paid for this separately).

The next morning we got a call from prescription point as they found high sugar in his urinanalysis but his creatine test was normal along with everything else. So the doc ordered to repeat the urine test. So my husband went again the next day (which was last Thursday) and gave urine sample again. Today (Sunday) finally the meds were uploaded even though his urine sugar was still high. But they said it will not be a problem(hopefully Insha Allah) as the creatine test came normal which meant his kidneys are fine.

So just some suggestions for people with diabetes:
1. Do not lie or try to hide it as it will come in the blood/urine test
2. Do not worry if you need extra testing as these are all procedures
3. Try to not eat sweet stuff and drink lots of water a day before the test as it dilutes the sugar in your system
4. I have done a lot of research and found that until diabetes has had some severe effect in your body like ruined one of your organs, it is fine and cic usually doesn't reject based on just diabetes. For reference I found 3 people from this forum who got MR with diabetes recently in 2014.
5. It is better to take the urine and sugar test somewhere else before the actual medicals to check what situation the diabetes is in and how well it is controlled.
6. Please ensure diabetes is in control before going for testing as if it is high they will refer you to a specialist and the medicals will unnecessarily take longer time.

Thanks a lot...hope this info will help people with diabetes doing medicals!!


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Online RPRF Landing fee Payment Query on SGVO:

I made a query on 23rd Oct 14 to know about the current status of online payment of SGVO...They replied to me as per below:


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your enquiry to the Immigration Section of the High Commission of Canada in Singapore.

We accept cashier's order or bank draft only.

We trust this information will be of assistance.


Immigration Section | Section d'immigration /ET
High Commission of Canada | Haut Commissariat du Canada
Singapore | Singapour


I hope this will clear confusion for few of us....:)


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Significance of ECAS Status and Process of PR Application for FSW Applicants

Completeness Check

1. They received couriers and do a initial documentation check for completeness and compliance of the application.
2. Check if the applications forms are all completely filled, payments are ok, all required documentation are enclosed.
3. Check if we have valid 1 year experience in the claimed NOC(a part of the 29 occupations list)
4. Check the CAP has been reached for that NOC yet.
5. They accept the payments as submitted with application and that's the last stage of the completeness check.
6. If the application passes the completeness check, it's put in the queue for the Eligibility Review. If not they send the application
back stating the reason for return.

Eligibility Review

1. During the Eligibility Review, they check and award points for the following 6 selection factors

• Education
• Work Experience
• Age
• Language Proficiency
• Adaptability
• Arranged Employment

2. In addition to these 6 factors, they check for the proof of funds as per the guidelines. They also do the background check for the above at this point before awarding points( they confirm the job duties comply with requirements for that particular NOC and that experience documents are satisfactory.

Positive Final Determination of Eligibility for Processing

1.If the applicant gets 67 points or more, then his/her application will be transferred to the visa office identified by the applicant on the IMM 0008 form for a Final Selection Decision. CIO will send out an email confirming this which will indicate a Positive Final Determination of Eligibility for Processing. If the applicant fails Eligibility Review, again CIO sends and email out to confirm the reasons for the same, and that they are initiating a refund of the processing fee.

2. Once an applicant receives a Positive Final Determination of Eligibility for Processing from the CIO, applicant will be able to check the ECAS Status of their application. We can use the application number/UCI Number/Payment receipt number, all of which we can get form the email that CIO sends out, to check the ECAS status.

At this Point you cans access your ECAS

IN Process>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<We received your Application on xxxxxxxxxx

Final Selection Decision at VO

Determination of Eligibility through Verification

1. Once the file reaches the Visa Offices they are queued up for processing. Once the file move to the table, AOR might be sent out to confirm receipt of application at the VO and the Background checks and documentation checks are initiated for the application.

• Interview Queue
The VO may render a decision that, upon review of the application and supporting documents, the applicant is not required to
attend a Personal Selection Interview.If a Personal Selection Interview is required, the application will be placed in queue to await
an interview date. Your interview will not schedule at this time.
• An Interview Waiver
Within the correspondence of the interview waiver the VO may also request that further documentation be submitted. The
submission of PCC, updated forms, RPRF, Medical (In India PP request is also club with these docs).
• Refusal of the application
Upon the initial review of the application, the immigration officer may decide that the documents submitted do not establish the
level of qualification required by Canadian Immigration. And may be during the background check Work experience or educational
documents was not verified.

Selection Interview

1. The VO is entitled to request that an applicant attend a Personal Selection Interview if he/she has concerns regarding any or all of
the following:

• Authenticity of the documents submitted
• Truthful and total completion of the forms
• Verification of the information entered on the forms
• Clarification of the specific information provided to Immigration Canada

Note: The VO will not conduct and Interviews to assess language ability.

Under the new regulations, selection standards are more objective and clearly defined. It is expected that in most cases visa officers will be able to make a decision to approve or refuse an application based on the documentation provided by the applicant without a election interview. However, in some cases, an interview may be necessary for a number of reasons. Especially, if you do not meet the pass mark in effect and are applying under “Substitute Evaluation”, you are more likely to be called in for an interview to decide if there are reasonable grounds to exercise positive discretion

Purpose of Interview

If required, a selection interview would be conducted for several reasons:
• To verify the validity and truthfulness of certain information provided on the forms and documentation submitted with the
• To clarify any specific information and inconsistencies.
• To clarify certain issues as regards to the background of the applicant and/or his/her dependents.
• To verify that the applicant possesses the necessary funds to settle in Canada.
• To confirm that the applicant is not inadmissible on security grounds.
• To verify if there are sufficient grounds to use positive discretion, if the applicant's point total is below the current pass mark.
• Under the new regulations, visa officers will no longer conduct interviews to assess an applicant's language proficiency or personal
suitability for immigration purposes.

Interview Waivers

At their discretion, visa officers may approve an application for permanent residence in Canada without holding a selection interview. An interview waiver will significantly expedite the processing of the application. Usually, well-prepared applications, which are complete in every detail will increase the chances of an interview waiver.

When assessing an application under the Skilled Worker category, visa officers will consider several factors before granting an interview waiver such as:

Quality and completeness of the application forms and documents

Proof of the applicant's English and/or French language ability

The applicant's educational qualifications

The applicant's professional qualifications such as quality of his/her educational background and work experience

The applicant's potential for adaptability, resourcefulness and motivation to successfully establish himself/herself in Canada

The applicant's overall integrity and credibility

Nevertheless, a selection interview may occasionally be required for even highly qualified applicants, as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) officials randomly select such applicants to test the accuracy of their interview-waiving criteria for quality assurance purposes.

Rarely, it is also possible that after an interview waiver has been granted, the visa officer may change his/her mind and require the applicant to come to the selection interview or vice versa.

Discretion of the Visa Officer

I. Positive Discretion

The visa officer can use his/her discretionary power to approve an application under the “Substitute Evaluation” provisions of the new regulations if the visa officer feels that the applicant is likely to become economically established in Canada or the applicant's point total is not a sufficient indicator of whether or not the applicant may become economically established in Canada.

II. Negative Discretion

Similarly, the new regulations also make it possible for the visa officer to refuse an application regardless of the applicant's point total where the visa officer is of the opinion that the applicant does not have the ability to economically establish himself/herself in Canada.

If the applicant pass the interview and got Positive selection decision from VO we can read following line on our ECAS

>>>>>>>>>>In Process

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< We Started Processing you application on XXXXXXXXx

Upon completion of the interview, the applicant will be required to pass both the Medical and Security requirements. The immigration officer may also request that further documentation be submitted as had been requested at the interview. As a general and standard time A Permanent Resident Visa can be issued within 12 weeks, from the date of receipt of the last documents at the processing Post.

Medical Request

At this stage we receive Medical instruction + Add docs +PCC + RPRF(+ In India PP request as well). All applicants as well as all dependents (accompanying or not) will be required to pass the medical requirement. The Medical examination requirement is mandatory and serves the following purpose.

• To protect the health of Canadian.
• To protect the safety of Canadian.
• To reduce and prevent excessive demand on Canada's health and social services.

Note: The medical report is valid for one year from the date of completion.

Security Clearance

Each applicant over the age of 18 is required to pass the security requirement. All applicants must prove that they are not a threat to the safety of Canadian Society. Applicants provide this information through Police Clearances which the applicant must obtain directly and by passing the background clearance which the immigration authorities obtain on behalf of the applicant.

After receiving Medical results by Regional Medical, they enter into GCMS 4.0 system, after that Otawa, Canada Check the medical results if they don't satisfy they email to applicant for further test, if they satisfy and approve the results they generate the following line of ECAS.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Process
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Medical Results Have Been Received

It means that your medical results approved and seconded by Ottawa, Canada, and you are 90% approved at this stage and your Passport request is on the way.

Final Approval from VO

The last stage of the application is the issuance of the Permanent Resident Visa.

Passport request:

Once the immigration authorities are ready to issue the Visa, applicant will be required to submit their original passport for Visa Stamping. Original Passport must be submitted for the Principal applicant as well as each accompanying family members. Each passport will need to be valid for at least 12 months and have minimum of 2 pages per visa.


Each Permanent Resident Visa is valid for 1 year from the date of the Medical exam or until the expiration of the passport. The Validity of the PR visa from the date of medical exam refers to the first exam completed (either principal applicant or dependent). The principal applicant and each accompanying dependent must make their official landing in Canada before the PR visa expires. Failure to land before the expiration of your visa will void the visa and will then result in the necessity of a new application. The validity date of the Visa cannot be extended.

At this stage we can read the following Final change on your ECAS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision Made
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< A decision has been made on your application

Refusal of Application

Applicants can be refused at anytime during the process of the application, for any of the following reasons:

• Proof of Language skills
• Criminal issues (have criminal record in any country)
• Security(failed background checks)
• Medical (failed medical exam)
• Financial reasons (have less than the minimum settlement funds
• Misrepresentation(failed to be truthful during the application or omitted information)
• Non-compliance(failed to provide any requested information/ documents the immigration officer requested or failed to attend a
Personal Selection Interview)
• Inadmissible family members (the above reasons for any family member indicated as dependent on the application form)


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Bangladesh Bank Dollar Limit:

Century said:
My passport got USD12000 approved against credit card. 5000 was last year; bascially rule is per trip, it can't be more than USD3000.


BB hikes forex travel quota for individuals

The central bank has enhanced the foreign exchange quota limit for global private travellers, according to a notice.

The ceiling has been increased to $12,000 a year for an adult from $5,000 previously, according to the circular issued by Bangladesh Bank's foreign exchange policy department yesterday. The move comes after the quota was increased for business travellers last month. The annual travel quota for Saarc member countries and Myanmar has been set at $5,000 a year, from $2,000 previously.

For minors, the applicable quota will be half the amount admissible for adults.

However, foreign exchange in the form of cash must not exceed $3,000 per person per trip, the notice said.


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15
Refund process from CIC:

ziafsw said:
Dear lvtruong please see the following e-mail which i received 10th of July 2014 regarding refund of fees. i think this will help you.

From: <Citizenship_and_Immigration_Canada @ cic.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:11 AM
Subject: Request for information
To: abc @ gmail.com
Date: 2014-07-10
Sir, Madam,

Thank you for contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I am pleased to follow up on your request:
Refund e-Payment – Application will not be Submitted

If you made a payment using the e-Payment (https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do) online service or if you paid online via the online application and you will not submit an application, you may request a refund by sending an email to HPM.Prod @ cic.gc.ca or a fax to (613) 952-6399.

You should include the following information in your message:

• Your name;
• Your mailing address;
• The reason you want a refund;
• The date of transaction;
• The receipt number;
• First 2 numbers of the credit card;
• Last 4 numbers of the credit card; and
• The credit card expiration date.
You should receive a refund approximately 8 weeks after we receive the information requested above. The refund will be done directly on credit card. If the credit card is expired, a cheque will be issued.

The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our website at www.cic.gc.ca to ensure that you have the most current information.

I would also like to suggest other online services that you might find helpful:
• http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/index.asp
• https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=coa&lang=en
• http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/index.asp
• http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/index-featured-can.asp#tab1

Agent #3434
Citizenship and Immigration Canada


VIP Member
May 31, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
[color=maroon][b][font=cambria]2147 [size=8pt](Comp. Engr)[/size][/font][/b][/color]
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
[size=9pt][color=blue][font=cambria][b]10th May 13[/b][/font][/color][/size]
10th Jul 13
File Transfer...
23rd Aug 13
Med's Request
22nd Dec 14
Med's Done....
12th Jan 15
Passport Req..
13th Feb 15
3rd Mar 15

Deadline for FSW14 :


Even though its seems not to be stated in the CIC instruction on their websites as the FSW2013 stream,Its contained in the gazette released on the 26th April,2014 as an introduction to the FSW2014 stream.
The gazette released prior to the start of this intake specifically mentioned April 30th,2015 as the deadline (Please check page 986 of the link below to the gazette).

Check CIC's Ministerial Instructions here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2014/ob572.asp

Under the following topic: Limit on the number of FSW applications to be processed it is clearly mentioned "A maximum of 25,000 new, complete FSW applications will be considered for processing under the occupation list stream for the period of May 1, 2014, until April 30, 2015, unless otherwise indicated in a future Ministerial Instruction. "