lol, so what if you dont care? all your argument is baseless, I have mentioned this already that its my opinion, I never told OP to do this and do not do that, it is a multicultural platform where people from all backgrounds shares their stories and seek help, by doing this they are voluntarily allowing people to come up with their experties and experiences and help them or share their experiences!annabruce said:I don't care. The OP could be a Christian Canadian, and the applicant a member of the minority of Christians in Pakistan. We don't know. We have heard from OP exactly twice, and you and a few others jumped and judged without thought and only religiously based assumptions. This isn't an appropriate way to treat another person whether you are Christian, Muslim, Athiest or .....
OP is free to do whatever he could or wanted, on the other hand, did I bring religion in this all, absolutely not, people like you lives in their own world and come up with anything that makes them happy and superior to others, stupidity in other words!
this discussion was solely based on general assumptions about a relationship in a particular culture (not religion) but people like you would do anything to prove them right doesnt matter what they have to come up with!!!