Dear Zee,
Dear Rizwan,
Dear Asif ghouri,
Wish you all the best...
I had the VO refusal letter stating that my duties did not match NOC, that was for sure some mistake from the VO side so I sent a reconsideration email on my own matching clearly the duties in my detailed experience letter to NOC duties.
My Ecas was never in process. During the VO refusal was sent, it turned from RBVO into "RBVO, and a letter was sent", then it goes INACCESSIBLE, then after 10 days from my reconsideration letter sent only by email, my Ecas turned from being inaccessible into "RBVO and a letter was sent" again, is this a re-opened cases scenario? i am doubting since this is the same message line that was there at the time i was sent the refusal letter, and "letter sent" carries again the same date the refusal letter was sent and do not refer to a new letter.
Please confirm that this is a case reopening?
and if please confirm if the case reopening is a positive assessment or we have to wait for our case to be re-studied and can be rejected again?
So i am now "RBVO and a letter was sent" since 3 weeks, and my reconsideration email sent since 1 month, but did not receive any email/reply from them (just automatic email receipt confirmation).
The VO refusal letter will reach 60 days in just 1 week. Please advise what to do for now.
Thank you and Good Luck