Hey I have a question for all, hope you can help me.
I am DEC AOR applicant and presently my background is in process. I am a CEC applicant but also claimed points for foreign experience.
It was a permanent full time position and to prove I submitted the following:
1. Offer Letter - mentions job position, joining date, terms and conditions
2. Salary breakup
3. Letter of Increment
4. Relieving letter - Job title, duration worked
5. Letter of experience - mentions job title, duties, doesn't mention hours - full time or part time
6. Pay stubs - doesn't mention hours worked
7. Tax forms. - doesn't mention hours worked
Now, the other day I saw in a forum a post about a refusal for not mentioning if the work is full time or part time and Job duties.
Do you suggest I should send them a CSE with updated experience letter? Please help me understand this situation.