Hi all,
I gleaned a great deal of useful and reassuring information from this group. Thanks to all.
Our application was received December 1, 2014. We got COPR in mid-July (I'm embarrassed to say I have forgotten the actual date), and landed by rental car (to avoid being forced to import own vehicle; not ready to do that yet) a couple days ago, on Thursday, August 27th 2015, at Douglas POE at about 4PM. Had to wait about 15 minutes in the car until we got to the actual crossing, then CBSA officer directed us to a parking spot. Parked, went into building, had to stand in line about 15 minutes. My 4-year-old melted down; wife took him outside. Then we were called to the counter. Signed docs, gave address of friend in BC for PR card. The immigration officer was friendly and very pleased with my list of goods to follow, which did have serial numbers and was on the official forms -- said it was more organized than most. Then had to wait another 20 minutes while he did something mysterious in the office. Then he called me back up and went over rules governing PR status and recommended that when I returned with my goods to follow (which I will do in about a year) that I cross at Douglas POE again because they had my physical list of goods to follow; otherwise few hours delay would result if I crossed elsewhere. Recommended I never lose my COPR, even after PR card obtained. Went back in the office for another 5 minutes, then returned and gave me, my wife, and my son tiny Canadian flags and said "Welcome to Canada." Total time an hour or less.
I had to acquire 6 different letters of reference (NOC 2172) from old employers -- very difficult to do; most corporations are too afraid of liability to do anything they are not actually compelled to do. Took much perseverance. High blood pressure did not cause me to fail medical.
Spreadsheet times were pretty accurate. 7.5 months from start to finish.
I love my tiny Canadian flag.