Pooling Date 19-Apr 4-May 16-May 8-Jun 20-Jun 5-Jul 19-Jul
601-1200 136 205 185 317 209 268 244
451-600 935 1116 871 2596 1057 1455 1101
441-450 1450 992 909 1092 1731 979 822
2521 2313 1965 4005 2997 2702 2167
Cut off 441 441 440 451 442 442 441
ITA 3500 3500 3500 3750 3750 3750 3750
Date 25-Apr 9-May 23-May 13-Jun 25-Jun 11-Jul 25-Jul
Date to reach ITA 6 5 7 5 5 6 6
People added in Pool 979 1187 1535 -255 753 1048 1583
People added per day after pooling 163 237.4 219 -51 151 175 264
People added per day before pooling 257 281 250 428 270 271
IELTS result did have an effect but not too much, the general trend of applicants entering the pool itself has increased.
601-1200 136 205 185 317 209 268 244
451-600 935 1116 871 2596 1057 1455 1101
441-450 1450 992 909 1092 1731 979 822
2521 2313 1965 4005 2997 2702 2167
Cut off 441 441 440 451 442 442 441
ITA 3500 3500 3500 3750 3750 3750 3750
Date 25-Apr 9-May 23-May 13-Jun 25-Jun 11-Jul 25-Jul
Date to reach ITA 6 5 7 5 5 6 6
People added in Pool 979 1187 1535 -255 753 1048 1583
People added per day after pooling 163 237.4 219 -51 151 175 264
People added per day before pooling 257 281 250 428 270 271
IELTS result did have an effect but not too much, the general trend of applicants entering the pool itself has increased.