This also answers that may be, all above 400 may get the direct ITAs. Trust me, no one knows about the plan of CIC. They always surprises.
Hi.Iampositive said:What i don't understand is, if everyone here is above 400, then why haven't we received a NOI from Ontario? Please help
gzing said:Here is the latest sheet for reference.
1 rob83
2 zinder33
3 Iprabhjot 439
4 jasontan 426
5 robinsonjoel 424
6 prachi.j 439
7 andieqngel 408
8 anirr 433
9 MattyTj 437
10 heynow 437
11 CanadianHopeful! 429
12 BullDog
13 tj4canada
14 farhanyou123 431
15 karthik506
16 jackdawn
17 nthom 437
18 chente
19 fatani
20 _Aspirant
21 BoniM 425
22 Kekaritu 421
23 grapehair 440
24 mihirparker 433
25 DubaitoCanada 429
26 kamenashi
27 prvisit 434
28 Northstar88
29 harjotsingh93
30 benzboksas 431
31 manvir.singh.parmar 427
32 tj4canada
33 Jemin 432
34 Sralf
35 Manylivesmanymasters 430
36 foreversukhdeep 440
37 hopesarehigh 428
38 ajaysharma 431
39 specter_3012
40 romrumrira 423
41 yuanteo 430
42 hitesh.mulchandani 428
43 preet14 417
44 ajkidwai
45 gurvinder525 437
46 ssnvenkat
47 Tamie_British
48 Boviesam 431
49 chemEmanju
50 patN 419
51 nsharma22
52 Positive+ 432
53 MANISH89 434
54 Alii2017 456
55 Shaz1 426
56 Pushpaacna 429
57 Muhammad 428
58 Maverick28 456
59 Smclaren 432
60 MChahal 420
61 Jack Ma 435
62 iamxty
63 Iampositive 429
64 Jammie418 432
65 Chinthu 413
66 tiwalope 410
67 sandeepn 467
68 gzing 435
69 Nik2408 433
Pawshi said:Hi Hitesh,
This is a random information of the applicants in the queue with no bias. If we extrapolate this information, it can provide a good glimpse of the present queue situation. Out of 45+ scores of applicants, only 15 have the scores on and above 434. If all the thread readers provide their CRS score, we can have a probable shape of the next draw.
In today's digital world, anyone above 420 would be minimum bachelor, decent score in IELTs, would be using smart phone, would have minimum 12K canadian dollars. Do you still think, that applicant would not be knowing about canadavisa? Or for that matter, 420+ applicants would have goosebump in their stomach and would be hooked up on google to check their chances. Isnt it?
Thank you!
im at 431
On checking with my consultant handling my file,they said they have not received any notification that OINP has closed, but yes very few draws and it has halted there. So lets keep hoping.uadiele89 said:Hi.
If I'm not mistaken, Ontario stopped giving NOI at the end of February. So, we'll just remain hopeful.
Hitesh can help you on this. Recently, his score was also subtracted by 5. But it was not on the same day as of birth date.kamiar said:My score is 426 now.
I have recently lost 5 points due to my age(it was 431) but my CIC account hasn't been updated yet.
should I change something manually?
If there is a back to back draw - on March 31, then the score may fall by 9 to 10 - 431 looks approaching. However, if the draw goes to April 5, then the score may touch 434 (+/- 2)manvir.singh.parmar said:Latest data
411-415: 1persons
416-420: 3 persons
421-425: 6 persons
426-430: 10 persons
431-435: 14 persons
436-440: 8 persons
440 above: 3 persons (They just keep pouring in...Lol)
Crs not mentioned-23 persons
Suppose, if there are 175 times the no. Of person against this, even then the score should fall to 432-433 as per below calculations.
411-415: 1persons*175=175
416-420: 3 persons*175=525
421-425: 6 persons*175=1050
426-430: 10 persons*175=1750
431-435: 14 persons*175=2450
436-440: 8 persons*175=1400
440 above: 3*175=525
This is just an assumption, please give ur view on this.