c/p, source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/196592380672046/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
Brilliant podcast - Must read and listen the point of view of an Ex - CIC Immigration officer. Link attached below.
It will be an eye opener.
Disclaimer: The summary is my own interpretation & understanding of this podcast. It is advisable to listen to this podcast yourself before coming to a conclusion.
1. Your application is at the mercy of a particular immigration officer, depends on his work load and priorities.
2. It is very important that your application and documents are precise. If you attach unnecessary documents, then you cannot complain "Why your application is taking longer to process?"
3. If you get request for Additional documents with a deadline of , lets say 15 days, and you submit the document in 2-3 days, Still there is a high chance that further processing will start once the 15 day deadline crosses.
4. Officers do get annoyed with calls or email requesting information on processing, if within standard processing time of 6 months. And its natural for anyone. In fact, it might raise eyebrows as in why the applicant is hurrying up and is impatient, which might make the officer look into the file more deeply for any flaws. So, in my opinion we should not inquire them or order GCMS notes unless the 6 month time has passed.
5. Major reason of Refusal - Not attaching mandatory documents as per Check list. It's advisable to attach relevant and mandatory documents for faster and positive processing of your file.
6. Beware of OUTDATED FORMS (CIC will turn down application for that)