It is safe to say that the the impact OINP on the overall scores will take a little time. Just because they give you an NOI doesnt mean you will get nominated straight away. Last year they took between 8 and 12 months to nominate people and for them to get 600 points. SInce this year, the application to OINP is online, I would think that it will still take around 3 months for the first batch of PNP to be released.
Hence I see no way that scores will get impacted till May or June. The million dollar questions is how they are goint to give NOI. Last year, everyone above 400 was given an NOI and they were flooded with applications and hence took a long time to give out nominations. This year scores are falling so will they still stick to 400? We dont know now.
This year they said they will give NOI and they also said they will do this in batches. So we have no idea till the 21st Feb update on what exactly they are going to do. We can only hope for the best!