I just checked my profile and I too have the same issue: my CRS should be at 471, but automatically updated to 496 as it's counting 2 Years CEC experience. However, in reality I will only reach the 2 year mark Feb/12/2017 so I'm still 42 days away.
Since I'm now at 496, my chances of getting an ITA the next round I think are pretty high and I need your advice. Based on what others have mentioned, the way I see it I have 3 options:
1. Accept the ITA, but do not submit the application until Feb/12/2017. Use this time to get the PCC and Medical done. However, Employer letter must be obtained on or after Feb/12/2017. Also, mention this in LoE. Since I have 90days from the time I receive an ITA to submit all the docs, I'm not too concerned about the loss of time. My fear with this option is if this will come back and bite me in some way as I am technically accepting the ITA at least 38 days (assuming there's a draw on Jan/04/2017) before I am actually eligible.
2. Decline the ITA. Hope and pray that I don't lose my job until at least Feb/12/2017 and that I get another ITA soon after (PGWP expiring May/14/2017)
3. As kryton mentioned, change the start date 1 month forward so this "glitch" doesn't affect me and change it back on/after/just before Feb/12/2017. However, I am not sure how long CIC takes to update the points after I make changes to my profile.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Which option do you prefer and why?
Thanks a lot for your help
*EDIT* I created a new thread so as to not hijack this. For anyone else in a similar situation, thread is titled "Help! CIC giving add'l points before completion of work experience"