Not sure from where you encounter all such people. 15 of my friends migrated to different cities - Montreal, Manitoba, Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary (not Toronto) and they all are have an overwhelmingly high standard of living. They are into industries such as IT, Banking, Accountancy, Electronics, Automobile and so on. Both them and their spouses are also working and both together take home $120K per annum (after tax).
Their acquaintances over there too have a super comfortable life.
None of them neither had Canadian Experience nor references. They all came there -> searched jobs -> got it-> now rocking
And in case of Toronto - If every Tom, Dick, and Harry from Punjab, Andhra of India and other places of the world just flock to Toronto as an army ignoring the rest of Canada, then yes, they might do menial jobs. I'm sure that you too will move to Toronto and not to any other cities.
My friends were very selective and that's why they scattered across all those cities and completely averted Toronto.
So it is a BIIIIIIIG No that there are no jobs in Canada. There are wayy too many opportunities if one is really smart enough to move out of Toronto and not to flood it.
Montreal and Calgary are well-renowned for calling applicants instantly when one shows interest in a position unlike Toronto where one has to wait ages for an interview to call him or her
So if you leave Toronto, tons of well paying jobs with super quality of life. If you still wanna flood Toronto, enjoy driving Uber along with the person you met