I called AINP n they said they will open my file in March, not before that. They received my file on 8th Jan.
Then how come some applicants who applied in Oct are getting nominations?
What is the point of having a freaking timeline of Jan to Apr 15-18 months n after Sep applicants- 25 months & all that crap?
When are they going to stop playing with all the foreign worker?
I am loosing my mind over this wait and all these new rules. I probably have 10-15 days left for my status if this AINP does not come in these days,(which I am sure is not gonna happen), I am totally screwed.
I mean, we all have invested so much time, most of us would have payed heavy tution fees and everyone has payed so much taxes in these years of our stay and all seems to go down the drain.
God, dammit.

I really dont know what the heck to do?