canuck_in_uk said:
No, just names that people actually call you.
Yes, just put info from when you turned 18.
Yes, from when you turned 18. If you are living with him when you apply, then yes, you will put his address.
Yes, depression is considered a medical condition. It would only affect the app if the Panel Physician determined you could be a risk to public safety in Canada.
?? How exactly does it want your family names to be the same? Just put the names in, whatever they are.
What would I write about it? Should I get any papers from my current doctor about it?
I don't know, when I put my middle name and last name, it puts those names in both my fathers and mothers family name section, and when I change theirs, it changes all of them.
I also don't have any national identity documents, in Denmark we just have our health insurance card with our Social Security Numbers
Would I just put no in the "Do you have a national identity document?" in the Generic Application Form?
And would I just put N/A in "intended occupation"?
What if I/we don't know the exact date when we started talking for the first time?
In the Sponsorship and Relationship form, it asks if we're living together now, at the time we'd apply, I'd be staying with him, so I'd answer yes, correct?
Then it tells me to put the period(s) after our conjugal relationship started, but if we're married, does that still apply?
And would I have to put any information in the "if you are not living together, have you visited" section?
It might just be a techinal difficulty, but thank you so much for your help! There's a lot of things