I have a question regarding paper based application and once its linked online do all the supporting documents show as well ?
my cousin applied through an agent who kept hesitating to link the application but we still did
it got refused but we wanted to see out of curiosity
my cousin attached a lot of documents when applying paper based but there is nothing there
so just curious is that how it is once applied paper based and linked later
anyone go through this or have any info please help me out
Thank you so much
I have a question regarding paper based application and once its linked online do all the supporting documents show as well ?
my cousin applied through an agent who kept hesitating to link the application but we still did
it got refused but we wanted to see out of curiosity
my cousin attached a lot of documents when applying paper based but there is nothing there
so just curious is that how it is once applied paper based and linked later
anyone go through this or have any info please help me out
Thank you so much