Hey guys!
I am currently applying for PEQ as a Quebec Graduate.
I have all my documents necessary ready except, I'm super confused about some parts of the application form (Demande de certificat de sélection du Québec - Programme de l'expérience québécoise (PEQ) - Diplômé du Québec)
Could you please kindly help me with this? (Questions I have, below in regards to the PDF of the form
Page 10 of PDF --> In the "Contrat" section, I have no idea of what I am supposed to put in the blank with the "$ CAD".
(Am I supposed to put the total of the calculation from the section below "CALCUL DU MONTANT MINIMUM REQUIS RELATIF AUX BESOINS ESSENTIELS" or should I put the total amount that I will have in my bank for the 3 months that they are mentioning?)
Page 6 of PDF--> Section 11. --> "Une fois que vous aurez obtenu votre CSQ, à quel Bureau canadien des visas déposerez-vous votre demande de visa de résident permanent ?" --> I work and currently reside in Quebec. I am confused as to whether I should mention "Quebec/Montreal" as where I will apply for PR or whether I have to name a certain office. If so, which office should I mention if I plan to apply for PR from Montreal, Quebec?
I would really really appreciate your help, guys