Hi All,
We have recently had our interview in Paris and would like to share our experience with you.
The officer was very friendly and although I indicated that that my level of French was intermediate, 80 % of the interview was in French.
She asked us to show her our documents from work, education, and proof of relationship. She took a copy of our tenancy agreement and some other documents. She asked us what we do for a living and what we would like to do in Quebec, if we know what opportunities we would have in our fields. We talked about which city we would like to live in, and our previous travel to Montreal. She also asked us for proof or our trip. After this she turned to my spouse and they started to speak in French. He is a beginner, so they quickly switched to English. We showed her our research on the labour market, job postings, applications and responses, and potential employers. After all, she asked me to list the common values of Quebec which I did. After that she smiled and congratulated us for getting the CSQ.

We couldn't have been happier.
All I can suggest to you who are waiting for an interview is to prepare well, read about Quebec, learn French and bring all your documents.
I also had an excellent French teacher who helped me prepare for the interview. If any of you are applying from London, I am happy to pass on her details, please feel free to PM me.
Finally, I just wanted to say thank you guys, I very much appreciate the support I got on this forum, keep up the good work and I wish all of you good luck with your application.