This is the foot note of the document (Pg. no.1) posted by Mr. Nirav.
The Indian education system has undergone major reforms during the 1980s. All states have gradually adopted a system called "10 +2 +3", 10 years of elementary and junior high, two years of graduate school and three years of undergraduate university cycle. Before the introduction of this reform, educational systems vary from state to state. For example, a "Bachelor of Arts" is now asking invariably 15 years of study. Previously, the same degree could be obtained after 13, 14 or 15 years of study. The Indian Education Assessment varies with the number of grades required for their achievement, this comparative table applies only to the degrees obtained by the system "10 2 3".
2 The degrees awarded by private institutions not recognized by the government can not be comparative evaluation for studies done outside Québec by the Centre of Expertise on training acquired outside Québec (CEFAHQ) and consequently does are eligible for points in the grid.
3 Degrees that get 10 points are those obtained 12 or 16 points to criterion 1.2 Areas of training (this applies to the under-skilled worker category only).