hello guys,
i am very new to this site but i have been reading threads on here. i am interested in moving over to Quebec next year
after my studies here in manchester.
please i have a few question if anybody will be kind enough to give me some professional answers, i will be highly grateful.
i have a Bsc in accounting obtained in 2005. i wish to claim points for experience but my problem is that
i worked for about 3years back in my country as an accountant but my company normally don't pay
tax for their employees so i don't know how to obtain a proof of income tax. please is there an altternative to that?
meanwhile am talking about Nigeria.
2. i want to know where am suppose to send my documents when they are ready as i reside in manchester (UK)?
3. Is there any particular period selected for submission, if yes when is that for Uk residents?
4. am I suppose to send proof of financial capability (statement of account) in this my first submission?
5. like i said i live in manchester, is there anyone on this blog who knows where i can register for french lesson which the price is cheap
in manchester. thanks in advance guys