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Jun 25, 2012
Hi All,

Just to share our timeline, we applied for CSQ to Paris BIQ in November 2011.
Our credit card was charged end of March and we received AOR end of June.
We have just received our interview invitation which is for the 20th of November.
We couldn't be more excited. Thank you for all the useful information and help we got through this forum.
I will let you know how the interview goes. Please cross your fingers for us! :)


Jan 26, 2011
DebR said:
Dear vickyRocks,

I found the QUESTIONNAIRE PREPARATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF IMMIGRATION IN QUEBEC prepared by senior forum members. These are almost 95 % of the questions that officers ask you during the interview for Quebec.
It is good when you have references of what is will be asked on the interview.
Wish you all the best.


Données personnelles
1. Qui est le requérant principal?
2. Parlez- vous le français ?
3. Est-ce que c'est la première fois que vous faites une demande d'immigration au Canada ?
4. Comment vous appelez-vous ? Quel est votre nom (de famille)?Quel est votre prénom ? Quel est votre nom de jeune fille ?
5. Épelez, s'il vous plaît.
6. Avez-vous changé votre nom ou prénom après avoir rempli ce formulaire ?
7. Quand êtes-vous nés? Quelle est votre date de naissance?
8. Quel âge avez-vous ?
9. Où êtes-vous nés? Votre lieu de naissance?
10. À quel pays êtes-vous nés? Quel est votre pays de naissance?
11. Quelle est votre nationalité? Votre citoyenneté? Vous êtes le citoyen de quel pays?
12. Où habitez-vous? Quelle est votre adresse actuelle?
13. Avez-vous déménagé depuis que vous aviez fait votre demande d'immigration?
14. Est-ce que vous avez la même adresse ?
15. Depuis quand habitez-vous à cette adresse?
Situation de famille
16. Êtes-vous mariés /mariées?
17. Est-ce que votre situation de famille a changé après que vous aviez rempli ce formulaire?
18. Depuis quand êtes-vous mariés/mariées?
19. Comment s'appelle votre mari/femme? Comment s'appelle-t-il /elle? Quel est le prénom de votre mari/femme? Son prénom? Quel est le nom (de famille)de votre mari/femme?
20. Est-ce que c'est votre premier mariage?
21. Combien de fois étiez-vous mariés/mariées?
22. Avez-vous des enfants de l'autre mariage?
23. Avez-vous des enfants ?
24. Combien d'enfants avez-vous?
25. Leurs noms et prénoms?
26. Quel âge ont vos enfants?
27. Quelle est leur scolarité ?
28. Est-ce que vos enfants habitent avec vous?
29. Désirez-vous immigrer avec votre époux/épouse et vos enfants?
30. Qu'est-ce que vos enfants pensent de votre projet d'immigrer au Québec?
31. Avez-vous planifié le future de vos enfants?
32. Est-ce que vous connaissez le procédé pour faire admettre vos enfants au système scolaire québécois?
33. Quelle est l'occupation de votre épouse ou époux?
34. Avec qui vivez-vous ?
35. Est-ce que vos parents restent en vie?
36. Où habitent vos parents?
37. Qu'est-ce qu'ils font?
38. Est-ce qu'ils travaillent?
39. Est-ce qu'ils veulent immigrer aussi?
40. Avez-vous des frères ou des sœurs ?
41. Combien de frères et sœurs avez-vous?
42. Comment s'appelle-t-il/elle ? Comment s'appellent-ils/elles ?
43. Quel âge a-t-il/elle ? Quel âge ont-ils/elles ?
44. Où résident-ils?
45. Quelles sont ses professions?
46. Est-ce que votre famille connaît votre projet d'immigrer au Canada ?
47. Si oui, qu'est-ce qu'ils en pensent ?
48. Est-ce qu'ils ont l'intention de vous joindre?

Vos connaissances au Canada /Québec
49. Avez-vous de la famille/ des amis au Canada /Québec?
50. Où habitent-ils/elles?
51. Sont-ils/elles immigrant(e)s reçu(e)s?
52. Quels sont leurs métiers?
53. Où avez-vous fait votre connaissance de cette personne? D'où le/la connaissez-vous?
54. Quand est-il parti au Canada? Depuis quand habite-il au Canada?
55. Que fait-il/elle? Est-ce qu'il/elle travaille? Est-ce qu'il/elle est employé(e)?
56. Est-ce qu'il/elle parle français?
57. Connaissez-vous son numéro de téléphone? Quel est son numéro de téléphone?
58. Quelle est son adresse?
59. Est-ce que vous lui appelez souvent?
60. Combien de fois par mois communiquez-vous par téléphone?
61. Quand avez-vous parlé à lui/elle pour la dernière fois?
62. Avez-vous ses photos?
63. Qu'est ce qu'il/elle vous a parlé du Québec?
64. Peut-il/elle vous abriter pour quelque temps? Acceptera-t-il/elle de vous héberger pour quelque temps ?
65. Est-ce qu'il /elle peut vous aider à adapter?

Votre projet d'immigration
66. Quand et comment est-ce que vous avez conçu le projet d'immigrer au Québec?
67. Depuis quand songez-vous à immigrer au Québec ?
68. Quand on vous parle du Canada, qu'est-ce que vous vient à l'esprit en premier?
69. Est-ce que vous avez déjà visité le Canada / Québec? Avez-vous déjà été au Canada / Québec?
70. Si oui, précisez les dates et les motifs. Quel était le but de votre visite?
71. Avez-vous travaillé au Canada / Québec?
72. Où étés-vous allés, lorsque vous avez visité le Québec?
73. Pourquoi voulez-vous immigrer au Québec?
74. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi le Canada plutôt que les É.U. ou l'Australie?
75. Avez-vous un visa américain? Quand expire-t-il?
76. Que pensez-vous des États-Unis?
77. Comment avez-vous pris la décision d'immigrer au Canada?
78. En avez-vous discuté avec d'autres personnes avant de prendre la décision d'immigrer?
79. Qu'espérez-vous trouver au Canada?
80. À quelle ville voulez-vous arriver? Et pourquoi?
81. Savez-vous en quoi la province X se distingue des autres provinces du Canada? Précisez.
82. Croyez-vous trouver du racisme au Canada?
83. Que pensez-vous du racisme?
84. Comment réagirez-vous au racisme dont vous pourriez être la cible?
85. Croyez-vous qu'il peut être contrôlé? Si oui, de quelle façon? Si non, que faire alors?
86. Avez-vous faites des démarches pour vous renseigner sur le Canada et les Canadiens?
87. Avez-vous rencontré des Canadiens? Que pensez-vous?
88. Comment comptez-vous adapter dans un pays que vous ne connaissez pas?
89. Comment envisagez-vous vos premiers jours au Canada?
90. Si vous êtes acceptés, quelles sont vos premières démarches au Québec?
Vos connaissances sur le Québec
91. Quelle votre impression du Québec?
92. Comment le Canada / Québec est perçu dans le monde / dans votre pays?
93. Qu'est ce que vous connaissez du Québec?
94. Êtes-vous au courant du mode de vie au Québec?
95. Êtes-vous au courant du système politique? Avez-vous connaissance du système politique de Canada?
96. Êtes-vous au courant du système religieux? Savez-vous quelle est la religion pratiquée au Québec?
97. Êtes-vous au courant du système de taxation canadien?
98. Connaissez-vous le système bien-être social du Canada? Que pensez-vous? Envisagez-vous d'y avoir recours éventuellement?
99. Comprenez-vous le système monétaire du Canada?
100. Connaissez-vous la valeur de l'argent canadien?
101. Que pensez-vous du climat au Québec?
102. Avez-vous connaissance de l'histoire du Canada et du Québec?

Formation et expérience professionnelle
103. Donnez-moi le nombre d'années total des vos études?Combien d'années de scolarité avez-vous?
104. Quand avez-vous complété vos études secondaires?
105. Avez-vous le Diplôme (certificat) d'études secondaires?
106. Quelle formation avez-vous? Quelle est votre qualification professionnelle?
107. Où avez-vous obtenu une formation supérieure?
108. Avez-vous un diplôme ou autre? Dans quel domaine?
109. Quelle est la durée des cours afin d'obtenir ce diplôme?
110. Votre profession est-elle réglementée?
111. Savez-vous quels sont les procédés pour faire valider vos diplômes au Québec et exercer votre profession?
112. Est-ce que vous possédez d'autres diplômes ou certificat?
113. Ces diplômes ont-ils un lien avec votre travail? Avez-vous l'expérience de travail en votre spécialité?
114. Si oui, en quoi? Dans quel domaine travaillez-vous?
115. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette branche?
116. Avez-vous changé votre emploi après avoir fourni les informations dans ce formulaire?
117. Quel est votre poste de travail? Quel est votre emploi?
118. Quel est le nom de votre employeur?
119. Quel est le nom de la compagnie pour qui vous travaillez?
120. Que font-ils?
121. Combien d'employés travaillent avec vous?
122. Depuis combien d'années travaillez-vous pour cette compagnie?
123. Aimez-vous votre travail? Pourquoi?
124. Quel est votre salaire mensuel brut?
125. A quelle heure commencez-vous à travailler? Expliquez-moi que faites vous pendant une journée de travail.
126. Combien de jours par semaine travaillez-vous?
127. Décrivez les différentes tâches accomplies durant votre travail.
128. Que faites vous après le travail?
129. Depuis la fin de vos études, où avez-vous travaillé? Détaillez votre expérience de travail.
130. Décrivez vos tâches dans vos emplois précédents.
131. Qui a préparé vos lettres d'emploi? Est-ce que votre avocat vous a aidé? Notez que votre employeur présent ou employeur passé doit être le seul à le faire.
132. Vu que vous travaillez déjà a votre pays, pourquoi voulez-vous venir au Canada?
133. Qu'espérez-vous de mieux au Canada?
134. Quand espérez-vous trouver un emploi au Canada?
135. Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que vous trouverez un emploi au Québec?
136. Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire au Canada?
137. Que savez-vous du marché du travail au Québec?
138. Quels moyens de la recherche d'un emploi connaissez-vous ?
139. Avez-vous une offre d'emploi?
140. Comment allez-vous trouver un emploi? (Vous devez commencer immédiatement votre recherche d'emploi et vous devez informer le conseiller a l'immigration pendant votre entrevue des étapes déjà entamées).
141. Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui pourra vous aider à trouver un travail?
142. Qu'est-ce vous allez faire si vous ne trouvez pas un emploi selon votre spécialité?
143. Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire si vous ne trouverez pas un emploi comme ...? Qu'allez-vous faire? Quoi d'autre pouvez vous faire? Donnez-moi 3 autres activités que vous pouvez faire.
144. Si vous n'avez pas trouvé un emploi en trois mois q'allez-vous faire?
145. Avez-vous déjà cherché un emploi au Canada? Comment l'avez-vous faites? Pourquoi pas?


146. Comment comptez-vous vivre et faire vivre votre famille sans emploi en arrivant au Canada? Possédez-vous une somme nécessaire?
147. Quelle somme d'argent allez vous apporter avec vous?Combien d'argent prévoyez-vous apporter au Québec?
148. Avez-vous des preuves que vous avez ce montant d'argent?
149. Connaissez-vous le contrat relatif à la capacité d'autonomie financière?

You may also see the following link as additional:

Can you or any one else please share these questions in english also?


Hero Member
Feb 6, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
16 May 2014 updated on 03 Aug 2014
Not yet
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
03 August 2014 as well as TCFQ
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Not yet
Med's Done....
Not yet
Not yet
Passport Req..
Not yet
Soon Inshallah
soon by the Grace of Allah, Inshallah
m+r_quebec2013 said:
Hi All,

Just to share our timeline, we applied for CSQ to Paris BIQ in November 2011.
Our credit card was charged end of March and we received AOR end of June.
We have just received our interview invitation which is for the 20th of November.
We couldn't be more excited. Thank you for all the useful information and help we got through this forum.
I will let you know how the interview goes. Please cross your fingers for us! :)
best of luck dear, be confident and show them you will success in Quebec.


Hero Member
Feb 6, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
16 May 2014 updated on 03 Aug 2014
Not yet
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
03 August 2014 as well as TCFQ
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Not yet
Med's Done....
Not yet
Not yet
Passport Req..
Not yet
Soon Inshallah
soon by the Grace of Allah, Inshallah
irfan346 said:
Can you or any one else please share these questions in english also?
Dear Irfan,

You can do it yourself, just go to "translate.google.com" and past all the question there and get translation whatever language you wan.


Star Member
Mar 3, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
several times
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
send with application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
<br/><img src="http://www.factscanada.ca/elements/media/elements/qc-flag.gif" alt="" border="0"/>
irfan346 said:
Can you or any one else please share these questions in english also?
Dear irfan346 , Let's start from here,

Personal data

1. Who is the principal applicant?
2 Do you Speak French?
3 Is this the first time that you are applying for immigration to the Canada?
4. What is your name? What is your (family) name?What is your first name? What is your maiden name?
5 Spell, if you please.
6. Have you changed your name or surname after submitting this form?
7. When are you born? What is your date of birth?
8 Are. how old you?
9. Where are you born? Your place of birth?
10. In which country are you born? What is your country of birth?
11. What is your nationality? Your citizenship? You are the citizen of what country?
12. Where do you live? What is your current address?
13 Have you moved since you did your immigration application?
14. Do you have the same address?
15. Since when have you lived at this address?

Family status

16 Are you married married?
17 What is your marital status changed after you have completed this form?
18. Since when are you married/married?
19. What is the name of your husband/wife? What is the name / she? What is the first name of your husband/wife? His first name? What is the (family) name of your husband/wife?
20. What is your first marriage?
21. How many times were you married/married?
22. Do you have the children of the other marriage?
23. Do you have children?
24. How many children do you have?
25. Their full names?
26. How old are your children?
27. What is their education?
28. Do your children live with you?
29. Do you want to immigrate with your spouse and your children?
30. What do your children think of your project to immigrate to Quebec?
31 Have you planned the future of your children?
32. Do you know the process to admit your child to the school system in Quebec?
33. What is the occupation of your wife or husband?
34. With whom do you live?
35. Do your parents still alive?
36. Where do your parents live?
37. That is what they do?
38. Do they work?
39. Do they want to immigrate also?
40 Do you have brothers or sisters?
41. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
42. How is it? How are they?
43. How old is it? Are how old they?
44. Where they reside?
45. What are their occupations?
46. Does your family know your project to immigrate to the Canada?
47. If Yes, what did they think?
48. Do they intend to reach you?

Your knowledge in Quebec Canada

49. Do you have family / friends in Quebec Canada?
50. Where do they live?
51 Are they immigrants s receipt (s)?
52. What are their occupations?
53. Where did you do your knowledge of this person? Hence the do you know?
54. When is it left to the Canada? Since when live - it to the Canada?
55. What is it? Is it work? What is it is employee?
56. Does he or she speak French?
57. Do you know his phone number? What is her phone number?
58. What is its address?
59. Do you him call often?
60 How many times per month do you communicate by telephone?
61. When have you spoken to him or her for the last time?
62. Do you have her photos?
63. What is it spoke you of Quebec?
64 Can it accommodate you for some time? Will accept it you host for some time?
65. Does he draw can help you adapt?

Your immigration project

66. When and how you have designed the project to immigrate to Quebec?
67. Since when are you thinking about immigrating to Quebec?
68. When you talking about the Canada, that is what comes to mind first?
69. You have visited the Canada / Quebec? Have you ever been to the Canada / Quebec?
70 If yes, specify dates and reasons. What was the purpose of your visit?
71 Have you worked at the Canada / Quebec?
72. Where summers - you went when you visited Quebec?
73. Why do you want to immigrate to Quebec?
74. Why did you choose the Canada rather than the us. or the Australia?
75. Do you have a U.S. visa? When does it expire?
76. What do you think of the United States?
77. How have you made the decision to immigrate to the Canada?
78. In did you discuss with others before making the decision to immigrate?
79. What do you hope to find in the Canada?
80. In what city do you want to happen? And why?
81. Do you know what the province X differs from the other provinces of the Canada? Specify.
82 Do you find racism at the Canada?
83. What do you think of racism?
84. How will you respond to the racism that you might be the target?
85. Do you believe that it can be controlled? If so, how? If not, what then?
86 Have you made arrangements for you learn more about the Canada and Canadians?
87 Have you met Canadians? What do you think?
88. How do you intend to adapt in a country you do not know?
89. How do you envisage your first days in the Canada?
90 If you are accepted, what are your first steps to Quebec?

Your knowledge on Quebec

91. What your impression of Quebec?
92 How the Canada / Québec is perceived in the world / in your country?
93. What is you know in Quebec?
94. Are you aware of the way of life in Quebec?
95. Are you aware of the political system? Are you aware of the political system of Canada?
96. Are you aware of the religious system? Do you know what is the religion practised in Quebec?
97. Are you aware of the Canadian taxation system?
98. Do you know the social welfare of the Canada system? What do you think? Do you plan to eventually use them?
99. Do you understand the monetary system of the Canada?
100. Do you know the value of Canadian money?
101. What do you think of the climate in Quebec?
102. Are you aware of the history of the Canada and Quebec?

Training and professional experience

103. Give me the total number of years of your studies?How many years of schooling did you?
104. When have you completed your high school?
105. Do you have the diploma (certificate)?
106. What training do you have? What are your professional qualifications?
107. Where did you get a higher education?
108. Do you have a degree or other? In what field?
109. What is the duration of the course in order to obtain this diploma?
110. Is. your occupation regulated?
111. Do you know what are the methods to validate your credentials for Quebec and practice your profession?
112. Do you have other graduates or certificate?
113. These graduates have a link with your work? Do you have work experience in your specialty?
114. If Yes, what? In what areas do you work?
115. Why did you choose this industry?
116 Have you changed your job after providing information on this form?
117. What is your desktop? What is your job?
118. What is the name of your employer?
119. What is the name of the company for which you work?
120. What do do?
121. How many employees work with you?
122. Since how many years do you work for this company?
123. Do you like your work? Why?
124. What is your monthly salary gross?
125. A what time do you start working? Tell me do you for a day's work.
126. How many days a week do you work?
127 Describe the different tasks performed during your work.
128. What do you do after work?
129. Since the end of your studies, where did you work? Detail your work experience.
130. Define your tasks in your previous jobs.
131. Who prepared your letters of employment? What is your lawyer help you? Note that your present employer or past employer must be the one to do it.
132. Since you're already working has your country, why do you want to come to the Canada?
133. What do you hope for better in the Canada?
134. When do you hope to find a job in the Canada?
135. What makes you believe that you will find a job in Quebec?
136. What will you do in the Canada?
137. Do you know of the Quebec labour market?
138. What means a job search do you know?
139. Do you have a job offer?
140. How are you going to find a job? (You must immediately begin your job search, and you should tell the Counsellor has immigration during your interview of the already initiated steps).
141. Do you know anyone who can help you find a job?
142. What is - this you will do if you can not find a job according to your specialty?
143. What will you do if you do not find a job as a...? What will you do? What else can do you? Give me 3 other activities you can do.
144. If you have not found a job in three months what will you do?
145 Have you already sought a job in the Canada? How did you do it? Why not?

146. How do you intend to live and your families unemployed arriving at the Canada? Do you have a necessary sum?
147. How much money will bring you with you?How much money do you make in Quebec?
148 Do you have evidence that you have this amount of money?
149. Do you know the contract concerning the competence of financial autonomy?

Try these. thank you

Umer Shahzad

Hero Member
Aug 20, 2011
Job Offer........
debr and javed bhai

if some one has given IELTS and TCFQ n they get expired and the applicant dont receive any kind of response from BIQ still they have to do the TCFQ and IELTS again or the old results will be considered?

Umer Shahzad

Hero Member
Aug 20, 2011
Job Offer........
m+r_quebec2013 said:
Hi All,

Just to share our timeline, we applied for CSQ to Paris BIQ in November 2011.
Our credit card was charged end of March and we received AOR end of June.
We have just received our interview invitation which is for the 20th of November.
We couldn't be more excited. Thank you for all the useful information and help we got through this forum.
I will let you know how the interview goes. Please cross your fingers for us! :)
can you please tell me what is ur AOT ? is it in priority ?


Star Member
Nov 29, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
November 2011
Doc's Request.
December 2, 2014 (Email)
AOR Received.
January 2012
m+r_quebec2013 said:
Hi All,

Just to share our timeline, we applied for CSQ to Paris BIQ in November 2011.
Our credit card was charged end of March and we received AOR end of June.
We have just received our interview invitation which is for the 20th of November.
We couldn't be more excited. Thank you for all the useful information and help we got through this forum.
I will let you know how the interview goes. Please cross your fingers for us! :)
congratulations on your interview call!


Hero Member
Feb 6, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
16 May 2014 updated on 03 Aug 2014
Not yet
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
03 August 2014 as well as TCFQ
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Not yet
Med's Done....
Not yet
Not yet
Passport Req..
Not yet
Soon Inshallah
soon by the Grace of Allah, Inshallah
Umer Shahzad said:
debr and javed bhai

if some one has given IELTS and TCFQ n they get expired and the applicant dont receive any kind of response from BIQ still they have to do the TCFQ and IELTS again or the old results will be considered?

Dear Umer,

Below is the evaluation criteria, your result will be acceptable. I hope this information will be helpful to you and others.

Le fonctionnaire à l'immigration doit également s'assurer du caractère récent des attestations de résultats présentées. Elles doivent dater de moins de deux ans au moment de la présentation de la demande (selon la date de passation inscrite sur l'attestation de résultat fournie par le candidat).

The immigration officer must also ensure that the certificates are recent results presented. They must not be older than two years at the time of submission of the application (depending on the date listed on the certificate award results provided by the applicant).

Le fonctionnaire à l'immigration doit également s'assurer du caractère récent des attestations de résultats présentées. Elles doivent dater de moins de deux ans au moment de la présentation de la demande (selon la date de passation inscrite sur l'attestation du candidat).

The immigration officer must also ensure that the recency ofresults presented certificates. They must not be older than two years time of submission of the application (depending on the date entered on award certification of the candidate).


Jun 30, 2012
bdo32 said:

no need to talk french beacause no interview just you need is prove genuine what did you send in immigration thats all....if you already send all the ducumnents they need and your medecal is finised no worry about your french just wait the approval letter for the next step and after that wait the visa send .. THE VISA SEBD BY DHL GOOD LOCK
Thank you for your response.


Jun 30, 2012
Master7 said:
That is not true. From this year on proof of French proficiency is mandatory. They will not process an application unless you send either TEFQ, DELF, etc.,
Hi Friend,
I dont think so 'they wont process your application with out proof of some certification.'
Why because we sent all the documents with out any completion of any certification (even basic certification in french), but still they process our application and sent the interview date confirmation. I know French is going to add extra value to our interview process, but i really want to know what happens if I speak half part in english and other half in French.

Just for your information, i am pasting part of the email from them regarding my interview confirmation:

October 1, 2012

No ref. ind: NAXXXXXXX
Mr. PersonName
Subject: Invitation to a selection interview
We read your project establishment in Québec and we are pleased to inform you that we are able to continue to study your request. We invite you to an interview with a (e) advise (AD) to immigration:
Quebec Delegation in Atlanta, 191 Peachtree St N, Suite 3240
Atlanta GA 30303
United States of America

DATE: November 30, 2012 TIME: 10:30
We ask you to confirm your attendance at the interview by sending us by fax or email within 5 days of the mailing date of this notice, the form on page 3, duly completed and signed. Otherwise, we will be forced to close your file.
The interview is primarily to:
1. Examine your original documents that we ask you to bring to the interview (read the attached list below). You must be in possession of all the original documents at the interview.
2. Assess your language skills for filings before December 6, 2011 (oral expression and comprehension of French and English);
3. Appreciate the effort you put into preparing your immigration project. In this context, questions may be asked of you, including your knowledge of Quebec's labor market, the conditions for the exercise of your profession or trade in Québec (especially if you exercise a profession governed by a professional order or regulated profession) and on your knowledge of Quebec society.

Caution: At the time of the interview, you will be asked to demonstrate official documents in support (residence, official proof of renewal of status, etc), you stay legally in the country in which you say live. Otherwise, your interview could be canceled.

The following persons will accompany you to the interview:
· Your spouse (s) or spouse (s) of fact, except if he or she is resident (e) permanent (e) or citizen (not) Canadian (do);
· Your dependent children only if they are married or common-law spouses regardless of age;
· Or your dependent children, singles 22 and over.
If you can not present the day of the interview, for reasons of force majeure, we ask that you inform us by email (dstamerique@micc.gouv.qc.ca) within 30 days of your absence. You must also send us mail the documented evidence of this impediment. Failure to receive the documentary evidence we will close your file without further notice.
Please note that if you wish to reactivate your account, you must submit a new application and pay new fees case studies. Finally, this new application will be assessed according to the regulations in force at the time of its receipt.
Please find attached a list of documents to bring to the interview as well as other information.
Please accept, Sir, the assurances of our best feelings.

The Immigration Service

Please bring all original documents required * (or certified copies of the original by the issuer) listed below. Any new document brought to the interview must be accompanied by a photocopy.

. Thank you!


Oct 7, 2012
Hi Everyone!
I am new to this Forum and i applied from karachi Pakistan as the principal applicant... I applied in July 2011 & received Acknowledgment (AOR) in Aug 2011. Can anyone tell me please when should i expect the interview???


Hero Member
Jan 31, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
TEF: C1/ B2 IELTS: Band 8
Med's Done....
geethareddy said:
Hi Friend,
I dont think so 'they wont process your application with out proof of some certification.'
Why because we sent all the documents with out any completion of any certification (even basic certification in french), but still they process our application and sent the interview date confirmation. I know French is going to add extra value to our interview process, but i really want to know what happens if I speak half part in english and other half in French.

Just for your information, i am pasting part of the email from them regarding my interview confirmation:

October 1, 2012

No ref. ind: NAXXXXXXX
Mr. PersonName
Subject: Invitation to a selection interview
We read your project establishment in Québec and we are pleased to inform you that we are able to continue to study your request. We invite you to an interview with a (e) advise (AD) to immigration:
Quebec Delegation in Atlanta, 191 Peachtree St N, Suite 3240
Atlanta GA 30303
United States of America

DATE: November 30, 2012 TIME: 10:30
We ask you to confirm your attendance at the interview by sending us by fax or email within 5 days of the mailing date of this notice, the form on page 3, duly completed and signed. Otherwise, we will be forced to close your file.
The interview is primarily to:
1. Examine your original documents that we ask you to bring to the interview (read the attached list below). You must be in possession of all the original documents at the interview.
2. Assess your language skills for filings before December 6, 2011 (oral expression and comprehension of French and English);
3. Appreciate the effort you put into preparing your immigration project. In this context, questions may be asked of you, including your knowledge of Quebec's labor market, the conditions for the exercise of your profession or trade in Québec (especially if you exercise a profession governed by a professional order or regulated profession) and on your knowledge of Quebec society.

Caution: At the time of the interview, you will be asked to demonstrate official documents in support (residence, official proof of renewal of status, etc), you stay legally in the country in which you say live. Otherwise, your interview could be canceled.

The following persons will accompany you to the interview:
· Your spouse (s) or spouse (s) of fact, except if he or she is resident (e) permanent (e) or citizen (not) Canadian (do);
· Your dependent children only if they are married or common-law spouses regardless of age;
· Or your dependent children, singles 22 and over.
If you can not present the day of the interview, for reasons of force majeure, we ask that you inform us by email (dstamerique @ micc.gouv.qc.ca) within 30 days of your absence. You must also send us mail the documented evidence of this impediment. Failure to receive the documentary evidence we will close your file without further notice.
Please note that if you wish to reactivate your account, you must submit a new application and pay new fees case studies. Finally, this new application will be assessed according to the regulations in force at the time of its receipt.
Please find attached a list of documents to bring to the interview as well as other information.
Please accept, Sir, the assurances of our best feelings.

The Immigration Service

Please bring all original documents required * (or certified copies of the original by the issuer) listed below. Any new document brought to the interview must be accompanied by a photocopy.

. Thank you!
When (what date) did you first submit your QSW application ?


Jan 26, 2011
javeedislam said:
Dear Irfan,

You can do it yourself, just go to "translate.google.com" and past all the question there and get translation whatever language you wan.
Thanks a lot for the help Mr. Javed


Jan 26, 2011
DebR said:
Dear irfan346 , Let's start from here,

Personal data

1. Who is the principal applicant?
2 Do you Speak French?
3 Is this the first time that you are applying for immigration to the Canada?
4. What is your name? What is your (family) name?What is your first name? What is your maiden name?
5 Spell, if you please.
6. Have you changed your name or surname after submitting this form?
7. When are you born? What is your date of birth?
8 Are. how old you?
9. Where are you born? Your place of birth?
10. In which country are you born? What is your country of birth?
11. What is your nationality? Your citizenship? You are the citizen of what country?
12. Where do you live? What is your current address?
13 Have you moved since you did your immigration application?
14. Do you have the same address?
15. Since when have you lived at this address?

Family status

16 Are you married married?
17 What is your marital status changed after you have completed this form?
18. Since when are you married/married?
19. What is the name of your husband/wife? What is the name / she? What is the first name of your husband/wife? His first name? What is the (family) name of your husband/wife?
20. What is your first marriage?
21. How many times were you married/married?
22. Do you have the children of the other marriage?
23. Do you have children?
24. How many children do you have?
25. Their full names?
26. How old are your children?
27. What is their education?
28. Do your children live with you?
29. Do you want to immigrate with your spouse and your children?
30. What do your children think of your project to immigrate to Quebec?
31 Have you planned the future of your children?
32. Do you know the process to admit your child to the school system in Quebec?
33. What is the occupation of your wife or husband?
34. With whom do you live?
35. Do your parents still alive?
36. Where do your parents live?
37. That is what they do?
38. Do they work?
39. Do they want to immigrate also?
40 Do you have brothers or sisters?
41. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
42. How is it? How are they?
43. How old is it? Are how old they?
44. Where they reside?
45. What are their occupations?
46. Does your family know your project to immigrate to the Canada?
47. If Yes, what did they think?
48. Do they intend to reach you?

Your knowledge in Quebec Canada

49. Do you have family / friends in Quebec Canada?
50. Where do they live?
51 Are they immigrants s receipt (s)?
52. What are their occupations?
53. Where did you do your knowledge of this person? Hence the do you know?
54. When is it left to the Canada? Since when live - it to the Canada?
55. What is it? Is it work? What is it is employee?
56. Does he or she speak French?
57. Do you know his phone number? What is her phone number?
58. What is its address?
59. Do you him call often?
60 How many times per month do you communicate by telephone?
61. When have you spoken to him or her for the last time?
62. Do you have her photos?
63. What is it spoke you of Quebec?
64 Can it accommodate you for some time? Will accept it you host for some time?
65. Does he draw can help you adapt?

Your immigration project

66. When and how you have designed the project to immigrate to Quebec?
67. Since when are you thinking about immigrating to Quebec?
68. When you talking about the Canada, that is what comes to mind first?
69. You have visited the Canada / Quebec? Have you ever been to the Canada / Quebec?
70 If yes, specify dates and reasons. What was the purpose of your visit?
71 Have you worked at the Canada / Quebec?
72. Where summers - you went when you visited Quebec?
73. Why do you want to immigrate to Quebec?
74. Why did you choose the Canada rather than the us. or the Australia?
75. Do you have a U.S. visa? When does it expire?
76. What do you think of the United States?
77. How have you made the decision to immigrate to the Canada?
78. In did you discuss with others before making the decision to immigrate?
79. What do you hope to find in the Canada?
80. In what city do you want to happen? And why?
81. Do you know what the province X differs from the other provinces of the Canada? Specify.
82 Do you find racism at the Canada?
83. What do you think of racism?
84. How will you respond to the racism that you might be the target?
85. Do you believe that it can be controlled? If so, how? If not, what then?
86 Have you made arrangements for you learn more about the Canada and Canadians?
87 Have you met Canadians? What do you think?
88. How do you intend to adapt in a country you do not know?
89. How do you envisage your first days in the Canada?
90 If you are accepted, what are your first steps to Quebec?

Your knowledge on Quebec

91. What your impression of Quebec?
92 How the Canada / Québec is perceived in the world / in your country?
93. What is you know in Quebec?
94. Are you aware of the way of life in Quebec?
95. Are you aware of the political system? Are you aware of the political system of Canada?
96. Are you aware of the religious system? Do you know what is the religion practised in Quebec?
97. Are you aware of the Canadian taxation system?
98. Do you know the social welfare of the Canada system? What do you think? Do you plan to eventually use them?
99. Do you understand the monetary system of the Canada?
100. Do you know the value of Canadian money?
101. What do you think of the climate in Quebec?
102. Are you aware of the history of the Canada and Quebec?

Training and professional experience

103. Give me the total number of years of your studies?How many years of schooling did you?
104. When have you completed your high school?
105. Do you have the diploma (certificate)?
106. What training do you have? What are your professional qualifications?
107. Where did you get a higher education?
108. Do you have a degree or other? In what field?
109. What is the duration of the course in order to obtain this diploma?
110. Is. your occupation regulated?
111. Do you know what are the methods to validate your credentials for Quebec and practice your profession?
112. Do you have other graduates or certificate?
113. These graduates have a link with your work? Do you have work experience in your specialty?
114. If Yes, what? In what areas do you work?
115. Why did you choose this industry?
116 Have you changed your job after providing information on this form?
117. What is your desktop? What is your job?
118. What is the name of your employer?
119. What is the name of the company for which you work?
120. What do do?
121. How many employees work with you?
122. Since how many years do you work for this company?
123. Do you like your work? Why?
124. What is your monthly salary gross?
125. A what time do you start working? Tell me do you for a day's work.
126. How many days a week do you work?
127 Describe the different tasks performed during your work.
128. What do you do after work?
129. Since the end of your studies, where did you work? Detail your work experience.
130. Define your tasks in your previous jobs.
131. Who prepared your letters of employment? What is your lawyer help you? Note that your present employer or past employer must be the one to do it.
132. Since you're already working has your country, why do you want to come to the Canada?
133. What do you hope for better in the Canada?
134. When do you hope to find a job in the Canada?
135. What makes you believe that you will find a job in Quebec?
136. What will you do in the Canada?
137. Do you know of the Quebec labour market?
138. What means a job search do you know?
139. Do you have a job offer?
140. How are you going to find a job? (You must immediately begin your job search, and you should tell the Counsellor has immigration during your interview of the already initiated steps).
141. Do you know anyone who can help you find a job?
142. What is - this you will do if you can not find a job according to your specialty?
143. What will you do if you do not find a job as a...? What will you do? What else can do you? Give me 3 other activities you can do.
144. If you have not found a job in three months what will you do?
145 Have you already sought a job in the Canada? How did you do it? Why not?

146. How do you intend to live and your families unemployed arriving at the Canada? Do you have a necessary sum?
147. How much money will bring you with you?How much money do you make in Quebec?
148 Do you have evidence that you have this amount of money?
149. Do you know the contract concerning the competence of financial autonomy?

Try these. thank you

Thanks a lot Mr. Debr, Really appreciate your effort