csaade said:
After landing you become a permanent resident and you can go anywhere you want
I think quebec will be happy if you can move to another province and get job.
i noticed that there are lot of jobs in quebec, but depends on profession and everything need time
yala ya shabeb shedo hemtkon w ru7o 3a Canada ,,,awal kam month so3bin bas btet3awado, w kel yawm wade3kon byet7asan, w bukra bkun a7san mn mberi7
ye3ni el mohim tkuno fahmanin ino Canada 3am betbi3kon el passport mu2ebil your degrees,
kel dawli 3enda seyesita,
Bulgaria 500,000 euro ,malta 1 million .... la2anon b7eji la masari.
Canada 3endon kel shi, bya3tukon passport,