Is it necessary to submit IMM5283E form when we apply for PRTD on Humanitarian and compassionate grounds?
This is NOT a form to be submitted by a Canadian; it is for non-Canadians (Foreign Nationals). So, if you are a Permanent Resident of Canada (that is, a Canadian), applying for a Travel Document to enable returning to Canada using commercial transportation, this is not a form to be submitted with the PR TD application.
In particular, IMM 5283, that is the form titled "
Supplementary Information Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations," is a form to be included with an application for Permanent Resident status in Canada (IMM 0008), that is an application to become a PR. I am not sure (I am not well acquainted with H&C applications for PR), but I believe
this form is for individuals who are physically IN Canada.
Some of the items/questions in this form overlap the kind of information a PR in breach of the RO applying for a PR TD from abroad will want to include with the PR TD application, but in this form the applicant explains the H&C reason that "
prevent" the individual "
from leaving Canada."
In contrast, a PR applying for a PR TD and relying on H&C relief because they have not complied with the PR Residency Obligation needs to clearly explain why they should be allowed to keep PR status, which mostly revolves around two things: the reasons why the PR did not return to Canada sooner and consideration given to the best interest of a minor child affected if the PR-applicant loses PR status. The reasons for not returning to Canada sooner is a very broad, open subject.