Editsniper said:
maybe i might have a problem then for the VO to consider the marriage genuine but not sure, i'll explain.
My wife is 17 years younger then me but on the papers we did mention we first met online in chatroom in 2007 then we met in person in 2008 and lived together for 2 months then got engaged to marry then in 2009 went back and lived another 2 months together and got married in 2009 and we just now filed for PR as it took awhile to get the necessary Philippine passport for her in her married name and other papers for NSO, etc., plus she wanted to spend a little time with her father and family before she comes here as her father is 72 and not sure how much longer he has to live and when she does come here might be awhile before she can visit back home as plane tickets are expensive.
So October 2011 we finally filed the PR papers, one reason is so difficult on us being apart for so long we miss each other so much and other reason of course we want to start our life together, now the thing that might be a problem is that we maybe didn't include too much evidence but on the papers we did state we talk on phone 1-2 times a week, talked on yahoo and skype, plus text each other everyday (i don't have a cellphone to text her but i use a free program for texting to her cellphone through my computer) and that i support her with western union.
The evidence i did put in was the western union receipts, my phonebills showing the calls i made to her, pictures of us together when i was there, plane tickets from when i was there but the only thing i couldn't do was show prove of skype or yahoo talks because of i don't own a printer. So does this mean we will have a problem?
My wife is 7 years younger than I am -
no issue.
I was married to her for more than a year before we submitted the application, for various reasons - we explained this completely in notes attached to our application -
no issue.
We were very fortunate (due to helpful border officials and my long history of travel - 5 years; ~100+ land and air crossings - to/from Canada from the U.S. before I even met her) and I was able to visit her freely for up to 6 months at a time during the application process. A *very* helpful customs officer gave me a Visitor's Record (and renewed it whenever necessary when I visited the border in person) that made travel into Canada an issue-free experience. I should note that our application was in process at the time I was initially granted the Visitor's record - they really appreciate progress toward PR status, for sure. The "Dual Intent" issue was never a problem for us - I think this is because we were 100% honest every time I/we spoke to Immigration Officers at the border. Yes, we travelled together across back/forth over the border (before and after marriage) on many occasions. I think this also helped.
We have a son together (conceived and born
after we were married) - this also may have helped.
We submitted photographs of my wife and I together that included photos from our wedding, photos when she met my family members over the years, photos of our travels in Canada and the U.S., the birth of our son, etc. Perhaps 40 photos or so.
I did not submit any phone or chat records.
In the notes attached to our application, we explained that we had not kept receipts and other documentation from our time together in preparation for a PR application. We never knew that this would be required prior to our application, and in my opinion, our honest approach may have contributed to the visa officer's acceptance of the lack of receipts. I did have a large number of receipts related to our wedding, which I did submit.
I am from the U.S.; my wife is Canadian. We are economically on an equal basis and I would gain NO benefit from a Canadian PR; essentially, there was no reason other than our marriage for me to relocate to Canada. This, more than any other issue, may have contributed to their acceptance of a limited quantity of "backup" material.
I hope the above information helps.
With this said, and as a "humanitarian" that really wants to help, if you truly have
NO options to print your records given economic issues,
I will offer to print whatever you need and to mail it to the Canadian individual (you or your wife) involved in your application (at my cost). I can explain how to put whatever you want into a file and email it to me. You or your wife will then be able to include it with the application. Please PM me here and we can discuss this in person (I have Skype worldwide and am willing to call you). As always, please be very careful when people make an offer such as this. Obviously there will be personal details in your emails and you and I will have to speak to make sure that
you are safe.
I wish you the best of luck!