Yes, she does have a house in her name. About financial support, can she show funds in my father’s name?
She doesn’t have any travel history to any of these places. But yes, we have lived in the Middle East in the past.
Do you think mentioning that I need her for moral support will also get it rejected?
I just want to make 100% sure that her visa gets accepted in anyway possible.
Her house would be a strong home tie.
And she can also write a cover letter from her side (you can do everything on her behalf) and upload in "client info" section, stating the her other dependent children would be taken care by their father until she's with you.
You can mention the moral support thing, since you are alone and need someone to be with you but not the baby-delivery for now, as believe me people have seen rejections in past due to that.
For travel history you would have to anyways mention any travel history she might have had in past, but mostly what they look for is US/UK/Europe. But anyways you would have to scan and upload any travels in past.
Does she have a joint bank account with her husband, that would work? If not, if I were you, I'd put the father's bank statement, a cover letter and the parent's marriage certificate and hope it works.
1. Financial Support
2. Home ties
3. Purpose of travel
Are some of the most important things a VO would look for in a file.