Re: PR - same *censored word* couple
DIRESTRAIT OR ARIELL can u give me a final advice on my situation would be really helpful
i decided to live together with partner, quitting one semester at school and he did the same thing for his work...
i started working here in paris as a contract in an international organization.....and to do so i opened a bank account and phone...with bills (proofs) in the same address of my boyfriend...
for the reason that is easier for me to move in Europe, working and staying with him, thanm, for example, for him to stay in canada as a simple visitor.
at the same time, i still have an address in canada, my appartment that i share with my best friend, and i paid my taxes last year and this year and i still have a bank account in canada and phone
we lived together for more than one yeear, we got engaged 1 month ago and we are getting civil union next year, july, because we have friends everywhere in the world that will come in that day.
my questions are and noone gave me a clear answer
1. i think i have more requirements for common laaw than conjugal partner...ok but is there a problem if this 12 months living together are not in the canadian territory, meaning that i (the pr) left the country to see him
2. i m going back to canada end of november
is it better to send everything when I am in montreal or when i am still in france ( i receive the last document for our demand, medical visit, at the beginning of november)
3. we have the certificate released by french authorities that we have planned a civil union next could be added as a proof as engagement?
4. we want to come in canada because we want to have a grreat opportunity, i share canada's values, personally i would like to have the opportunity to become citizen and i would like him to be with me. moreover, this will prevent me to loose time required for the residency.
considering what u told me direstrait, i think we have to apply as common law partner, but considering that everything could be good? (even with more proofs)
thanks a lot