It should say Approved and Mailed under messages in your my CIC account.I linked my PR card application to my CIC account and it says submitted, how do I know when my PR card is on the way?
It should say Approved and Mailed under messages in your my CIC account.I linked my PR card application to my CIC account and it says submitted, how do I know when my PR card is on the way?
Same, Got my ecopr on 24th June. Address approved and photo still in review. VO -OSCI got my ecopr in June 2021. Address approved and photo still in review with ircc. VO - OSC Virtual Landing Unit
do u have ur PR card?Same, Got my ecopr on 24th June. Address approved and photo still in review. VO -OSC
How do you know this? I have been trying to find any information about this. My flight to mexico is next friday and I haven’t received my PR card but I have my eCoPR since sep 23,2021. I can change my return flight to buffalo and rent a car but will I be able to enter canada in land with my passport and eCoPR only?You can return through land (U.S. Border) in a private vehicle with eCoPR
Yes you can enter Canada with CoPR and Passport via land border in a PRIVATE VEHICLE. You have the right to enter Canada as a PR. A PR card is needed as travel document to travel on commercial vehicles (planes, trains, bus etc) but no such requirement exists when crossing on land in a private vehicle.How do you know this? I have been trying to find any information about this. My flight to mexico is next friday and I haven’t received my PR card but I have my eCoPR since sep 23,2021. I can change my return flight to buffalo and rent a car but will I be able to enter canada in land with my passport and eCoPR only?
Any information would be greatly appreciated I really don’t want to cancel my trip. I haven’t seen my family in 3 years. Please help
Thank you for the information. I was wondering from where did you obtain this info?Yes you can enter Canada with CoPR and Passport via land border in a PRIVATE VEHICLE. You have the right to enter Canada as a PR. A PR card is needed as travel document to travel on commercial vehicles (planes, trains, bus etc) but no such requirement exists when crossing on land in a private vehicle.
PR Card Approved and Mailed - today!! 27 October 2021Just an update on my timeline:
Address accepted by IRCC - 17 October 2021
Photo still in review (over 4 weeks and counting)
I've been waiting for over 4 weeks for my photo and address to get approvedWorried cause I know a couple people who had a later eCOPR date than me and have received their cards in the mail... my linked account in GCKey just says "Submitted"
i am also in the same boat... i received an email that they mailed today but my picture still in reviewPR Card Approved and Mailed - today!! 27 October 2021
Strangely enough my photo is still showing as “in review with IRCC” in the PR Portal - but in CIC Account it shows that my card was approved and mailed today!
Yeah.. I got my COPR on 23rd September. Still waiting for PR card..eCOPR - September 13
still no updates on PR cards (address was arppoved on the same day I received ecopr. photo still in review and no chnages on cic account on pr cards status either)sadddddd
Any update about your PR card?Same, Got my ecopr on 24th June. Address approved and photo still in review. VO -OSC
My mailing address has been approved, I'm not sure since when because I didn't receive any email or update from IRCC. I just checked my PR portal today and saw that it was accepted.
Photo is still under review and no updates on CIC key portal yet.
I hope this is a good sign, does anyone know if that means they will send my PR card soon? I know there are people that have received their PR cards with their photo still under review.
Thank you and good luck to everyone