After this post, I really don't have to much expectations.. My medicals are going to expire in february, so i hope they'll renew it... The problem is that not only they give a long due dates, is that the forum doesn't have movements for 2011 applicants. When they are going to start working...

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your message concerning your application for permanent residence.
Your file has been transferred to this office in Ottawa for processing. It will be reviewed by one of our officers, with priority given to applications that were received at CIC before 1 September 2011.
Medical results: Please note that we will be requesting an extension of the validity of these results, to minimize the number of applicants who will be required to undertake new medical examinations.
Case status:
An officer will be in contact with you in due course. In the meantime, we would ask for your patience and for you not to send follow-up requests for status to our office, unless you fall into one of the categories listed below.
When should I contact CIC?
You must notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, death of a family member, a marriage or a divorce;
• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number);
• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual;
• Decision to withdraw your application.
You have the option to withdraw your application at any point in the process. You will be refunded the RPRF if you have already paid it.
Need more information?
For more information concerning your Application status, you may refer to the CIC Help Centre online at
How long will it take until I am likely to be contacted and/or updated by the Case Processing Office in Ottawa?
For Provincial Nominees/ Quebec Skilled Workers ONLY
Application Received Date
Review Date*
By what date can you expect to receive the next update from CPP-O?
... before 1 September 2011 On or before 28 February 2013 By 28 February 2013
1 September – 30 November 2011 On or before 31 March 2013 By 31 March 2013
1 December – 28 February 2012 On or before 31 May 2013 By 31 May 2013
1 March – 31 May 2012 On or before 31 August 2013 By 31 August 2013
... after 1 June 2012 After 31 August 2013 After 31 August 2013
*Review Date: Please note that the Review Date means the date by which your file will be reviewed by
an officer. It does not mean that your file will necessarily be finalized by that date.