To: Immigration Assessment Officer
Dear Sir or Madam,
Re: No Objection Certificate for the use of Bank Account Number xxxxxxx
We, Name holding ID # (Father), and Name holding NIC # (Brother), are holding joint account numbered xxxxxxx, with Your Name holding ID # in Bank - Branch. We solemnly and sincerely declare that, Name of the Applicant is fully authorise to use and withdraw money from this account without any limitations. We also declare that each of us has equal and full access of the above mentioned account. We have no objection in regards to usage of this funds as a part of his settlement in Canada.
However, if you need any further information or have any query please contact us at or alternatively call us at 012-345678 (evening)
Your Sincerely,
Sign 1 Sign 2
Name 1 Name 2
This perfoma is for joint accounts with family member used for extra funds declared above $12,300 limits.
For Gift change the first para and include "I (Name) holding ID #, Relation of 'Applicant Name' solemnly and sincerely declare that I have gifted an amount of XYZ earned from the legitimate source, and Applicant Name is authorised to use and withdraw this money without any limitations. I have no objection in regards of usage of this funds as a part of his settlement in Canada.
Second para can be same.
I hope this will help.