+1 indeed.
I believe that the OP and his wife owe it to themselves, and her parents, to make the INVESTMENT into speaking with a very qualified Immigration attorney.
The fact is, that for what certainly sounds like an honest mistake, it is a mistake none the less. Make the investment in yourselves to find out EXACTLY, what, if anything, can be done for you...no matter the financial cost. Otherwise, IMHO, time...will only become your worst enemy.
In a world where families are being torn apart through no fault of their own, such as the devastation in the Philippines, please apologize for the selfish remark that you made, seemingly from the plethora of negative emotions that are understandably racing through your mind. If not for you...for those here that may be personally suffering at this time, due to the loss of friends or family for ANY reason.
Even in this time of uncertainty for you, be grateful that you have a family.
Best of luck to you and your family. Truly.